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Community Rating: 3.934 / 5  (38 votes)
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quite superior to most blue enchantment with such effects, since none of them taps the creature. see Immobilizing InkGlimmerdust Nap Dehydration, the cantrip version Eternity Snare or Apathy.
Frozen Solid could possibly keep up with it...
Posted By: Mode (1/3/2009 8:20:08 AM)


Agreed, this card was an excellent form of removal early on in Magic...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (7/1/2009 5:34:59 PM)


This thing can be a serious pain even today, somewhat surprised that they havn't reprinted it.
Posted By: FragNutMK1 (3/22/2010 6:04:05 AM)


There used to be an idea floating around that you could play a Paralyze on your Ley Druid, and four Wild Growths on a single land. You would then tap your land for five mana during your upkeep, use four of it to untap your Druid, and generate infinite mana. Ah, how times have changed!

Anyway, I still like Paralyze. It's only one mana, hits black / artifact creatures, and four mana is enough to render the target permanently locked down in almost all circumstances. It would be great to see this reprinted, though perhaps the effect is more appropriate in white's slice of the color pie. But if green can get Hornet Sting in a core set, it wouldn't be too big a deal to give black a little bleed-over.
Posted By: scumbling1 (5/30/2011 1:28:16 PM)


I hope I can see this card at M11
Posted By: ReturnToSender (5/26/2010 11:40:24 AM)


Great on creatures with all abilities of this card on it but with a more painful untap.
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (3/19/2013 12:00:17 PM)


The terrible result of an encounter between a young girl, a horse, and a very magical KISS concert.
Posted By: TimCrockett (7/29/2013 11:23:16 AM)


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