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Posted By: Flyheight (10/14/2011 6:59:26 PM)


Art is weirdly done. The top third of the frame is essentially empty. Awkward to look at.
Posted By: Totema (5/22/2012 11:22:06 PM)


Regenerate is like rebirth, as snakes shed their skin.
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/31/2009 10:35:17 AM)


I like this card, I run it in casual. But for just G it would have been much better :)
Posted By: boneclub (3/26/2010 9:50:41 AM)


snakes have flash and regenerate
Posted By: Tezz (2/25/2011 4:45:13 AM)


Guy in the picture is actually a Descendant of Masumaro, little known fact.
Posted By: JWalks82 (3/5/2011 11:03:26 PM)


Its both that many reptiles can regrow tails and such things, but also that in many asian cultures the snake shedding its skin is a sign of rebirth like the phoenix is to being reborn. Anyways, the idea behind the card is pretty straight forward, play a creature with death touch, when your opponent goes to attack it thinking they are about to kill it but lose their creature, bam you slap down this card since it has flash and regenerate it. Really intended to go with sosuke.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (9/17/2009 12:25:15 PM)


Play it anytime to save your skin.
Posted By: Duskdale_Wurm (6/8/2010 12:20:40 AM)


what a nice combat trick for 3cmc
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (3/29/2011 1:15:46 PM)


You forgot Winged Coatl (one of my favorite snakes) and I guess you could count Snakeform as a type of flash as well.

Flavorwise, it seems very snake-ish. 3 mana, you prevent a trade off of creatures. 4 mana, you stop almost anything from killing your creature. The only thing this is missing for MTG snake abilities, is the "hit opponent/draw a card" (see Snake Umbra). But, IMO, that should stay more in Blue or Green or Blue (Ophidian and Ophidian Eye).

A tad expensive for my tastes, but any enchantment (aura) that can help prevent the 2 for 1 weakness inherent to that mechanic is worth a look to me. Still can't stop instant removal (in response of this being cast) which is where a lot of the 2 for 1 situations happen, sadly. A built in "split second" (while remaining counterable) to aura casting would do the card type wonders. Maybe choosing targets on resolution instead of cast. Who kno... (see all)
Posted By: OmegaSerris (8/22/2011 6:42:30 PM)


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