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Community Rating: 4.095 / 5  (37 votes)
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This is awesome!! I love the artwork.. Take that! You can't take planeswalker power!
Posted By: land_comment (3/27/2011 4:52:52 PM)


Note: Disintegrate *can* target players. The Oracle wording makes that clear, and the original clunky wording never said "creature only."

While Red Sun Zenith is completely superior, I still want to see this card reprinted. It is still solid, even by today's standards, and it so badly needs a modern version with proper wording. This card's wording has changed a lot each time it was printed, and I don't think it was ever really right. That, and I just like the art and concept, so I admit this is sort of a personal favorite card of mine. Oh, and I love the finality of "removing something from the game entirely!"
Posted By: Radagast (11/6/2011 8:06:34 AM)


Red Sun's Zenith is only superior if:
-You don't care about regeneration
-You actually want it shuffled back into your library

I for one do and don't, so would always prefer disintegrate.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/27/2012 9:59:20 AM)


judgment day is upon him
Posted By: ttian (3/24/2009 9:29:34 PM)


Remove target player from the game .

Next game GG
Posted By: Dimastator (8/16/2009 9:27:19 PM)


Sadly this card is pretty much obsolete with Red Sun's Zenith running amok...it does essentially the same thing except it can also target players and shuffles back into your library.

Disintegrate has awesome artwork though, and is also able to prevent regenerating, which can come in handy. That said I'd prefer to have the ability to deal damage to players instead.
Posted By: tcollins (8/15/2011 4:07:31 AM)


An all-time red classic. Regenerators beware!
Posted By: Ibn_Shisha (6/11/2013 8:27:14 AM)


. . .
This card is at least as powerful as red sun's zenith. It CAN target players (read the oracle) and it prevents regeneration. Shuffling back into the deck is fun and all, but never results in any kind of meaningful advantage, at least not right away. Taking away regeneration means that this can kill stuff that you desperately need to kill but can't.
Posted By: BlackTroller (5/26/2014 10:41:08 AM)


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