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Community Rating: 1.173 / 5  (78 votes)
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This is a masterpiece of a bad card. Kill one creature to same another? You know what saves creatures? Bandage, Heal, Safe Passage, carom, Ethereal Haze/Holy Day, or countless other cards that cost the same yet don't require you to sacrifice anything. Unless you have more creature tokens than mana and sense, this is nigh-useless.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (2/14/2010 7:07:13 PM)


remind me of our actual health care system: letting others die while giving little treatment to some and always getting paid...
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (3/31/2011 10:52:50 AM)


Come on guys... this card isn't worth its terrible 0.8 rating it has right now. Take a step back and realise that its {w for a 1/1 with a beneficial ability. That's right - it may be absolutely terrible, but it won't hurt you for having it, unlike certain other 1/1s. There are definately situations where it can save you the game, like if you're about to eat a lightning bolt to the face and you're on 3 life. Granted, something like Ghost-Lit Redeemer or Burrenton Forge-Tender will do this much more efficiently, but even Caregiver could save you in that situation, so give it some credit - it's not a 0.5 card, as many people have obviously voted it.
Posted By: Rufus_D (6/14/2011 10:44:23 PM)


were they even thinking when they printed this?
Posted By: gromgrom777 (4/16/2010 7:57:08 PM)


lol this has lower ratting then Fugitive Wizard I guess some abilitys are so crappy that they lose you ratting instead of gaining you ratting even if you get to chose weather to use them.
Posted By: dragonking987 (12/10/2010 7:01:21 PM)


when i started playing magic when i was 13 or so i bought a selesnya united green/white deck. it had 2 of these in it, having a poor grasp on how to play and just seen only a few cards outside my first deck i instinctivly knew this card was useless, got a llanowar elves off my friend instead!!! good guy..
Posted By: NigelB (5/25/2011 10:30:11 AM)


For the long-time health of the game there have to be bad cards, and well... also SO bad cards... This is why this one got printed!
Posted By: Paolino (1/20/2012 1:46:18 AM)


this is a draft card
Posted By: TheMoustacheCame (7/11/2010 6:08:48 PM)


It's like a bonus preview rusalka.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (6/5/2012 3:39:58 AM)


I think the flavour and ability is referring to how for every ravnican soul saved, another perishes anyway. And doesn't it have some use in a deck capable of pumping out white weenies?
Posted By: neongecko06 (3/27/2013 2:28:33 AM)


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