Who's a good boy? WHOSAGOODBOY?
Posted By:
(10/25/2012 3:33:25 AM)
Favorably looked upon by RtR's Selesnya Keyrune and Call of the Conclave which both hold some major aspect of this card.
Now if we could just convince them that they should do a full art version of this card...
Posted By:
(11/1/2012 5:57:15 AM)
Its clean. Its simple. Its elegant. And it beats down like no other 2 drop.
Posted By:
(11/29/2011 9:21:30 PM)
A 3/3 for two mana! How can anyone not like this card!
The wolf looks cute. Don't you want to run up and give it a nice big hug? :P
Posted By:
(8/20/2009 1:20:43 PM)
This card is a beast!
@metalevolence. . . Dude your a lame-o, the whole point of Magic is to appeal to all different types of people, and some people like to duke it out barbaric style. And for beginners it's a lot easier to learn to play starting in heavy creature decks and branch out from there. Just because this doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it's lame or is for idiots. Just be thankful R&D is smart enough to successfully appeal to all different people. Why do you think this game has lasted so long.
Posted By:
(4/25/2010 7:47:05 PM)
You all forgot Armadillo Cloak.
Very nice too.
Posted By:
(9/19/2009 12:42:56 PM)
Elegant mutlicolor design at it's best. Take what both colors do good, remove most shortcomings, slap them together. This, Terminate, Blightning and several others serve as a great reminder of multicolors at their best.
Posted By:
(10/26/2009 9:15:20 PM)
I love this guy. Why? Shield of the oversoul, that's why.
Even without the shield, he's a 3/3 wolf for two mana in my two colors. That's good enough to make my favorites list as it is...but a 5/5 indestructible flyer that's swinging on turn three is a bit over the top, wouldn't you say?
Posted By:
(8/31/2009 8:07:02 AM)
Watchwolf is a 5 star card by itself. To date there is no more efficient 2 drop when looking at p/t.
If bug vanilla creatures tickle your fancy, Watchwolf and Wooly Thoctar make a deck with Muraganda Petroglyphs and Beastmaster Ascension a beautiful thing! Adding a little Fusion Elemental couldn't hurt if you want to run 5 color.
Posted By:
(11/16/2009 5:55:55 AM)
Card of the Day - Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Though 230 different creatures have been printed in gold border so far, very few of them are simply "vanilla" (no rules text), and many of those are poorly regarded cards from Legends. Just as Isamaru, Hound of Konda was printed to show that vanilla legends could be interesting, Watchwolf was created to show that multi-colored vanilla creatures could also be interesting.
Posted By:
(8/14/2009 5:24:02 PM)