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This looks really sweet used after Life's Finale...

Anyway, it's nice addition for mill decks, but I find it way better in non-milling control decks just for one simple reason - mill decks tend to destroy your library, not your life, so even if you're likely to have great supply of targets to copy, it's not usefull to full degree unless you copy a solid defender or creature capable of milling (so you have to fight another milling deck). On the other hand, UB control decks always kill or counter creatures, so you're likely to have tasty target as well and you can have more usage for it. It's nice addition for both control and mill decks, but common control deck can take more advatage of this card.
Posted By: Narim (7/11/2011 10:44:58 AM)


They better bring this back in Return to Ravnica so that I can use my Evil Twins with it. :I
Posted By: Binaro (5/13/2012 6:47:17 AM)


This is exactly what my B/U mill deck needed. It kept getting completely owned whenever any sort of reanimator strategy comes into play. Well, this is basically anti-reanimator on demand, and in the exact colors that need it.
Posted By: Totema (5/16/2012 12:49:46 PM)


It's beautiful that this guy can turn into Phage the Untouchable without losing the game. Entomb Phage, then this guy, then use his ability, and you have yourself a Phage in a couple of turns for no more than 3-4 mana per turn. And then, since you have blue, Artful Dodge.
Posted By: Arachnos (8/17/2012 9:53:15 AM)


Can go from a Dimir Infiltrator to a Mindleech Mass.

Because I hate Silent-Blade Oni for being such a poser. Freaking ninjas...
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/5/2012 7:20:19 PM)


Actually, quite fun with Mimeoplasm. Why get locked into your first choice of hulking grave born monstrosity when you can continually update as you see fit.
Posted By: orisiti (1/30/2013 1:29:01 PM)


It's like Clone on Steroids, My 2nd favourite guild, right here!!!! 5/5
Posted By: Xineombine (6/1/2013 12:46:45 PM)


Useful for exiling pesky persist/undying creatures before they return, or stopping Eldrazi Titans from escaping the 'yard.

Or, better yet, copying your own Eldrazi after milling it.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/6/2013 2:23:14 PM)


Invisible Stalker into Phage the Untouchable, nuff said. o.o
Posted By: Opined_Fluke (8/22/2013 7:31:03 PM)


Awesome to use with Lazav. Did I just mill a sweet Legendary creature well now I have two of them
Posted By: TheDouce (12/4/2013 9:08:17 AM)


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