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Community Rating: 4.000 / 5  (46 votes)
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Probably my favorite land. Cheap (it's a common that not really contended for) and it produces my two favorite colors. It's a great card to see when you're hungry for mana and 2 would hit the spot, and it has great timing with Figure of Destiny (turn 1, play figure, turn 2 pump him up and then bounce back the land to put Garrison into play) and Skyknight Legionnaire (turn two exchange lands, turn 3 make up for lost time with legionnaire's haste).

Sadly, it's one of the tastiest targets for your opponent's land destruction and land tapping cards, and it throws off the tempo for 2CMC drops in the early game, but it has one great ability that makes me love it. Often, when my opponent is counting my open mana, he forgets it counts for two, which leads to subtle miscalculations. It seems like a very minor point, but the difference of thinking your opponent has one less open mana then he actually has is surprisingly important at times.
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (1/15/2011 3:17:31 PM)


I love bounce lands. My favorite combination is Halimar Depths. My son hates me when I use that combo.
Posted By: Speednat (1/26/2012 4:45:37 PM)


I have a feeling this is a really stupid question, but if this is the first land out, it bounces itself, right?
Posted By: blindthrall (12/28/2009 1:51:08 AM)


The art work for this card is outstanding. It perfectly incorporates white's belief of order and law, with red's belief of passion and glory.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (6/14/2009 6:04:23 PM)


@blindthrall: Yes, the land is bounced.
Posted By: dudecow (2/24/2010 5:45:46 PM)


p a s s ion
Posted By: EnV (10/17/2009 10:46:42 PM)


These lands give you so much card advantage (essentially a +1 all by itself) that even aggro decks back in the days run a few. This sets you back 1 mana like Savage Land, but the extra spell you got (for playing fewer lands) was more than worth it, even in a deck that planned to win by turn five.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/31/2011 7:30:34 PM)


one of the first foils i got....its so pretty..
Posted By: CityofAs (5/12/2014 2:48:01 PM)


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