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i'd like it better if it were an instant. It'd be loads of fun in a mmffa. e.g. someone throws a banefire at someone else and then you double that damage.
Posted By: itriedtbear (10/29/2009 8:43:25 AM)


Underrated. It definitely does have its uses, and lose life is always superior to damage.
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/11/2009 6:37:59 PM)


@ Greyhour: Um... think again. Quietus Spike makes them lose half of their life, not take it as damage. Punishment counts damage done, not life loss. So they'd take 2, lose half (499,999) of their life, and then take 4 damage from Punishment, putting them at 499,995.... not so great.
Posted By: Dragon23 (11/28/2010 10:51:12 PM)


Sorin's Vengeance.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (9/7/2011 1:24:40 AM)


"I'll swing for 3."
"Well if I block, you'll kill my creatures, and I'm at 20 health still, so I'll take it."
"Well, I'll throw in a lightning bolt, a dark ritual or two, and Final Punishment. That totals out to 12 damage, please."
Posted By: Gilder_Bairn (4/29/2010 8:49:36 PM)


Turn two Inkfathom Infiltrator
Turn three Quietus Spike.
Turn four Equip.
Turn five, attack, play Final punishment.

That's 100% damage. If the other player has 1,000,000 health, this will still kill them.

Posted By: greyhour (10/9/2010 3:33:52 AM)


Seems like a fairly unimpressive (and somewhat overpriced) "win more" card; that is, one that only helps when you already have some kind of advantage anyway. It's usually far more important to pack cards that can get you out of a losing situation. It's hard to imagine a scenario where Final Punishment will do that.

@Snaxme: Your version has insane, impossible-to-adjudicate-reasonably memory issues.
Posted By: jeff-heikkinen (3/24/2010 2:36:45 AM)


It'd be much more flavorful and even a better card if it costed some BBB more and had the following effect:

"Target player loses life equal to the amount of damage that was done to him since the beginning of the game."

@jeff-heikkinen: ...good point.
Posted By: Snaxme (4/26/2010 10:31:57 AM)


This card is good at pulling out a surprise win, but isn't great overall. While it does nicely cause a lot of life loss, if this steps up your clock by a significant portion of the enemy's life remaining, you're already winning with the sources of damage you have on the board. Good with high-yield burn, but that is going to be horribly mana-intensive: doing 10 damage with this and Lava Axe costs as much mana, and if you staple this onto an x-burn spell you need to have at least 12 mana to get more damage across than simply dumping the mana into x.
Posted By: Tevish_Szat (10/15/2010 9:30:17 AM)


Quicken, anyone?
Posted By: blugrn1989 (4/11/2011 12:49:34 PM)


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