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Pain Lands ARE good. But new players have seen the new m10 taplands and kind of laugh these.
Plus. There ARE a lot of other duals that are pretty much better, like the shock lands, which are even true duals. Then there's the even newer fetches which are waaaay better than these- 1 life ONCE to fix AND deck thinning.
They're only less good if money is in the equation.
New players aren't retarded. Pain lands have just been greatly out done.
Posted By:
(5/8/2010 7:10:00 AM)
Pain land for enemy colors? Wow!
Posted By:
(3/24/2010 7:06:02 PM)
A lot of casual players make the mistake of thinking the 'pain lands' are bad solely on the basis that they damage you because they're unfamiliar with exactly how important having the appropriate mana in your mana pool when you need it and how much of a difference having a land that can provide you with that mana the turn you play it can make when it can mean doing something immediately as opposed to postponing it for 2 or more turns. When having that mana now could mean the difference between you winning and losing the game, 1 life is worth it.
Posted By:
(10/16/2009 7:48:45 PM)
This is decent for a colorless, but not so much for Green or Black unless you are in a bind.
Posted By:
(1/21/2009 3:08:48 PM)
Amazing card is amazing! 1 damage is worth it when you play this T1 or T2 and you need your colors. Later in the game, you'll usually use it for colorless. Not quite a Bayou, but it costs like $30 less than a Bayou. Still gets a 5/5 from me.
Posted By:
(9/30/2010 8:45:15 AM)
Yeah, painlands are imo one of the better dual land types out there. taking a few points of damage early on is easily worth the speed increase in the early game play. They work just fine tapping for colorless the other 90% of the time as well. They are also inexpensive, which does factor in for myself and a lot of other players too.
Posted By:
(11/27/2011 10:28:49 PM)