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Community Rating: 3.768 / 5  (41 votes)
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This is just as good as a removal spell - it removes the creature from the battlefield, but unlike Unsummon, it also makes them lose a card. Maybe you really didn't wanna see that creature again, but if they're running multiple copies, they were likely to have another one anyway.
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/13/2010 3:06:09 PM)


4 of these. 4 Remand. 4 Excommunicate. 4 Memory Lapse. 4 Lapse of Certainty. Some mana leaks. A couple Inkmoth Nexus. 1 pis{}sed off, poisoned opponent.

Ladies and gentlemen, a deck slower and crueler than Land Destruction.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (9/10/2011 11:54:41 PM)


I finally get the power of this card: it's an Unsummon that delays the opponent's draw by sticking them with the same creature. Plus, if your opponent had to use mana accelerators to bring out the creature (e.g. Dark Ritual, Simian Spirit Guide, Elvish Spirit Guide, you've gained card advantage AND probably delayed the recasting of the creature even more.

The biggest downside with this card, however, is the casting cost. At 2U with a blue deck, the earliest you'd probably cast this is Turn 2 and that's with help from other mana sources. You can end delay yourself by using up Turn 2 or Turn 3 mana to cast Time Ebb, gambling that your opponent can't bring out anything else but the unsummoned card. If this card were 1U and an instant, it would be a five-star winner. Actually, why couldn't there be a 1U blue instant that returns a card to the top of the owner's library?!

All of this said, running two or t... (see all)
Posted By: keeds4 (1/14/2011 10:21:18 AM)


Posted By: Crag-Hack (7/16/2011 1:29:44 AM)


What I like most about this card is that, if you have a handy mill source available, this can be used as blue creature removal. Just think about that. And if it's not convenient to kill something, you can delay. I am eagerly waiting for this to be reprinted.
Posted By: Totema (1/11/2012 12:35:08 AM)


Awesome with Mindshrieker if you have the mana for the combo.
Posted By: spartanvi (10/2/2012 12:56:07 AM)


This is ultimate tempo card, smaller version of Plow Under but for creatures instead of lands.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/18/2013 1:25:38 PM)


If you have Ghoulcaller's Bell, you can choose whether to effectively kill the creature (if it's a Baneslayer Angel) or leave it on top of their deck (if it's a Shinka Gatekeeper).
Posted By: BorosGreengrocer (6/3/2013 8:45:11 AM)


Delaying your opponent can often be just as powerful as destroying their permenants.
Better yet, you know exactly what they are going to draw next turn. It works on creatures with negative CIP effects, as well as big ones without haste.
Even better if you use it on something like one of the huge Eldrazi, because they might not have the mana to summon it again, and you just guaranteed that they didn't draw any way to get more.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (1/5/2011 5:16:41 PM)


That is why you play Black over Blue, this is obviously to complicated for you.
Posted By: Kryplixx (6/2/2010 9:59:41 PM)


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