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Community Rating: 3.603 / 5  (39 votes)
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This card can be very useful with Defense of the Heart, since it gives an opponent one more creature if they are hesitant to let you get something nasty out. And if someone already has the three creatures necessary to let you get your big guys out, you can just cycle this one. This may not be the best card ever, but it does have its uses.
Posted By: TheMurderousKitten (3/3/2011 9:20:22 AM)


On top of that, it's not only a remake of Ghazbán Ogre, it's even one with cycling, meaning you can just convert it into a new card for two mana in case you draw it in the lategame.
Posted By: Mode (8/12/2009 8:35:56 PM)


These puppies are from the same block as rancor. Back in the day these guys were all about getting up in your opponent's face for 4 damage on turn 2. If they did play a blocker you still traded critters, trampled over, and got your rancor back. Late game, or versus burn decks you could just cycle them away.
Posted By: OldSchoolPlaya (10/2/2012 12:29:48 PM)


If you play these on turn one, and start attacking on turn two, you will have more life than your opponent anway, making the drawback not too severe.
Posted By: majinara (2/10/2009 4:50:44 PM)


Respond by dropping a first turn Jwar Isle Refuge or something.
Posted By: Nlky (10/13/2010 4:56:03 PM)


This card is a tournament winning card (back in the day). Cycling is very helpful late game. 4.5/5
Posted By: feeble2002 (1/1/2011 6:09:05 PM)


when you run decks that consistently get you to near 100000 life.... such drawbacks must seem so minor.

For the rest of us, unless you are bartering your way to victory in multiplayer... this card is really not getting very far.
Posted By: Burningsickle (3/18/2014 6:37:50 PM)


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