I used to draft this guy a lot. I was not very good.
Posted By:
(6/3/2010 8:24:12 AM)
I dunno, Guild land? Tolarian academy? Any other land that produces more than one mana? It's not that hard.
Posted By:
(2/23/2010 4:13:46 PM)
Dat Art.
Posted By:
(11/27/2010 8:37:23 PM)
Could probably mess with Tolarian Academy
Posted By:
(2/22/2010 4:34:58 PM)
Pretty much the only use I have ever found for this is with Magosi, the Waterveil. Tap for the eon counter, use this to untap it and use remaining land to copy the extra turn ability with the Rings of Brighthearth. If you have any bounce land, that is just another bonus (my favorite being monoblue and because it is useful, is Halimar Depths to help stack library a bit). Otherwise it is very situational.
Posted By:
(5/22/2011 4:11:17 PM)
You know, I really like the common moonfolk. They are about the only thing in kamigawa that fly so in a draft I pick up a huge army of them and beat everyone into a pulp, you don't even need to use the abilities.
Posted By:
(5/14/2010 11:21:57 AM)
Not mind blowing card.
I love the art - most of the moonfolks look great, and Rebeccca Guay is one of the best artists ever.
Posted By:
(6/26/2010 2:28:21 PM)
Bounce a man-land to save it and untap another of your lands.
Posted By:
(7/12/2010 12:13:36 AM)
Hmm... About the only way I can think to use this is to abuse a land like the guild lands like Dimir aqueduct or city of shadows.
Posted By:
(8/3/2010 4:10:45 AM)
Bounce lands to remove auras like Contaminated Ground?
I got nothin'.
Posted By:
(4/17/2010 10:53:38 PM)