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Community Rating: 4.007 / 5  (75 votes)
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Scary card, but expensive and dies to removal, so hardly OP.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/27/2012 8:07:38 AM)


No sir, I don't like it.

It's not that bad, but 9 mana and two turns to destroy a land? A lousy stone rain does the same for a third of the cost and half the time. It's playable but... I wouldn't play it. If you have 9 mana, and can get this into play, then... well if your opponent plays aggro or combo, then he already lost if you make it to 9 mana. If your opponent plays control then the thing won't resolve or die before it can do anything if it's a threat. And if you can make it to 9 mana, especially in mono black, your opponent should too. Killing a land each turn will be annoying but not game changing then.
3.5 / 5
Posted By: majinara (1/10/2010 6:53:47 AM)


majinara, ur a moron. it's not an equipment jackass, u dont scale it by the first turn its out. 3 mana per turn isnt even steep, plus, you don't have to use the ability. even by todays standards this is a great rare.
Posted By: Cyphortec (3/29/2011 8:07:27 AM)


omg arnold that you?
Posted By: Fitchen_Kinks (4/4/2011 11:56:34 PM)


Most awesome Zombie creature ever!! black/green mana ramp with Bop and such make this guy a devastating force comes out fast turn 4 if your lucky and has the potential to destroy 2 lands turn 5 and still get an attack in due to the fact most mana bases are predominately non-basic lands especialy in legacy and extended formats where decks can have up to 25 nonbasic lands

If this guy had trample he'd just be wayyy over the top ^_^ and green can give him that easily
Posted By: Raveknight (10/30/2009 6:19:43 PM)


My friend and I used to play Ravnica block a lot and I had this guy in my Golgari deck for a while. Eventually I ended up taking him out because he just didn't work that well. I think the biggest reason was the lack of trample, as Ravnica had a lot of options for tokens and chump blockers. Like someone said, destroying a land on turn 6 or 7 isn't going to kill your opponent. And you'll usually want to attack with him every turn, which means you'll only use his ability on nonbasics, which your opponent will have maybe 2 of max unless you're playing a prismatic deck or something. Nonbasics help a lot with color balance in the early game, but by the time you get this guy out your opponent should have the basics they need to not get color-screwed. All in all, I've never encountered a situation where I wouldn't rather have a Gleancrawler out, and that has a less restrictive mana cost with an awesome static ability.
Posted By: achilleselbow (5/7/2010 3:44:16 AM)


Wish he was a legendary for EDH...
Posted By: pedrodyl (10/17/2011 10:35:02 PM)


Back when Kamigawa and Ravnica were still standard, a favorite trick of mine was to use Mortipede, enchant it with Blessing of Leeches, have it force the opponent to gang block it, then swing in with this guy for an easy 6 damage. If I was lucky, I'd also have Fists of the Demigod out too =)
Posted By: MechaKraken (6/24/2012 10:18:39 PM)


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