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Reconnaissance is cheaper, and all you have to do is splash white.
Posted By: nammertime (7/16/2010 1:10:27 PM)


Maze of Ith is not cheaper as it replaces your normal land drop. It might even be more costly as you'll lack the one mana for the rest of the game.

If it's your only land in hand then you can drop it free.

Why is the Oracle wording what it is. Compare it to Reconnaissance. Removing from combat is quite ok on todays templating, so why doesn't Ebony Horse's Oracle wording use it, when EH's original wording uses it.
Posted By: tavaritz (4/27/2011 12:05:16 AM)


This ability is a pretty neat combat trick, allowing you to feint with one of your creatures...however I do agree with Mode, this doesn't feel like an artifact...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (7/1/2009 9:18:34 PM)


But it's an ebony horse. It's made out of wood.
Posted By: GainsBanding (9/1/2009 3:02:27 AM)


i think we won't see "artifacts" like this ever again. a horse that survives a Wrath of God? they'd rather create a creature card instead.
Posted By: Mode (12/31/2008 6:01:53 AM)


Maze of Ith is cheaper(and way better) and all you have to do is play it.
Posted By: Request (8/26/2010 3:32:42 PM)


Rather pointless, and odd flavor.
Posted By: Radagast (11/3/2011 6:56:53 PM)


Sadly, I knew a player who would sing the song after playing this and Ivory Cup...
Posted By: Liquidprism (4/11/2013 7:51:29 PM)


Things to note:

Ebony Horse costs {3} mana, Maze of Ith doesn't have a mana cost. Maze of Ith +

Ebony Horse has an Activated Ability for {B}, Maze of Ith is a colorless land drop. Ebony Horse = Maze of ith?

Eboy Horse targets 'your attacking creature', Maze of Ith targets 'any attacking or blocking creature' I think. Certainly the controller doesn't matter. Maze of Ith +++

Ebony Horse feels like a Retreat Artifact, (with no pressure to continually use it- it's not even an equipment), Maze of Ith feels like an Arrest.

"Counter your opponents' combat tricks for {B}" sounds nice.
"Lock down virtually any one (1) Threat" sounds nicer.

The two cards serve completely different purposes-- although Maze of Ith can technically be used like 'a bad Ebony Horse' on one of your own, you'd much rather play Maze of Ith against, pretty much any deck that tries to make A Big Creature instead lots-of-little-creatures. Maze of Ith is terrible against "Goblins and Gi... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/30/2013 4:42:19 AM)


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