Jandor must have been a pretty crappy wizard if this ring was the most powerful piece of equipment he carried on his person.
Posted By:
(12/31/2009 7:48:26 PM)
One of the few cards where your opponent is expected to take your word on a hard-to-track quality...unusually trusting for a Magic card :P
Posted By:
(9/13/2010 4:46:08 PM)
I like how you get to look at the card before you decide if you want to activate the ring or not.
...and it makes a good target for Animate Artifact! See, 6 mana CC is a boon!
Posted By:
(5/6/2010 1:22:55 PM)
I just gave it a .5, and its rating went UP.
Posted By:
(3/16/2011 8:00:30 PM)
I love the trusting nature of this card! Ah, yep, back than it was all casual play!
6 mana is way too much, of course, but that was also typical. Jalum Tome is arguably the straight-out improved version of this card.
Posted By:
(11/3/2011 7:44:21 PM)
All my cards gain temporary Cycling for
with this... yay!
Posted By:
(10/16/2009 12:37:09 PM)
The ability isn't that bad, it's the CMC that kills it, 6 mana???The ability is simply a different version of Merfolk Looter's. You don't like your draw, try again...
Posted By:
(7/2/2009 7:51:01 AM)
What horribly designed card why did they think that card was a good idea. I mean the general concept seems neat but, did they even consider the feasibility of the activated ability. I think just for being such wonky ability it should be banned.
Posted By:
(4/16/2009 10:05:01 PM)
Considering madness and blue control decks this is not bad effect, just way too overcosted.
Posted By:
(4/27/2011 12:26:38 AM)
Oddly similar to Obelisk of Alara.
Posted By:
(2/15/2013 11:36:39 PM)