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If you need 1 mana cost white knights you might also try Caravan Escort. It's not great, but it's not bad. It levels.

Student of Warfare is also a white knight for 1 and is very nice, but may be a lot harder to get.
Posted By: ddde (8/9/2010 9:00:41 PM)


Effective with two Training Grounds out? Anyway, I like the idea of a 1/1 with vigilance for 1.
Posted By: Robface (9/27/2010 10:42:54 AM)


Mystic Penitent is the only other 1 mana creature with vigilance. The ability is very weak, but it can be considered slightly better than the same creature without the ability, which is pretty good.
Posted By: SleetFox (3/9/2011 6:30:22 PM)


"Uh, laugh. That's what."
-Random Guild Member
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (10/22/2012 1:39:09 PM)


Two Training Grounds?
Posted By: Jerec_Onyx (11/22/2012 9:01:55 AM)


The pump is a fantastic option later on. Its a 1/1 vigilance for White that gets buffed by Honor of the Pure.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/8/2012 7:59:52 PM)


Those of you that talk about how useless the second ability is or how "you just want to white it out and run auras" need to learn about mana dumps, card slots and card advantage.

First of all, aura decks are notoriously bad from a card advantage perspective. Creature removal is the most notorious of all removals (all colors have it in some fashion, most decks worth playing have it) and you're PUTTING MORE CARDS onto a creature. If you're running auras that give hexproof, then great. But what about late game? When you're out of cards in your hand, slowly drawing your deck, card by card, not getting a necessary buff for your guy to get through?

That's where this guy comes in. He buffs HIMSELF, no cards wasted. You don't need to draw anything else, you don't need to put any late game buffs in the deck because in the late game with an empty hand, you'll want something to use all that mana on. These are called mana dumps, and the idea behind them is the capability of making good use of yo... (see all)
Posted By: MacBizzle (9/13/2013 11:42:52 AM)


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