The exiling aspect is kind of a deal-breaker.
As is the lack of evasion.
If it fed your critters into the yard, there would be so much more potential here.
Posted By:
(8/9/2011 11:32:23 AM)
Hmm, an ooze? I like oozes 4 stars. Oh wait, doesn't trample, 3 stars. And exiles cards instead of putting them in your graveyard? Pfff, 2 stars, you don't deserve more.
Posted By:
(11/16/2009 11:37:10 PM)
If it let you put the REVEALED card into your hand, this would be oh so playable. But no, it's not good enough for a slot in my deck.
Posted By:
(4/5/2010 6:41:11 PM)
Should have said REVEAL the top card of your libary. THEN it would have been a good card.
Posted By:
(1/14/2010 2:34:05 AM)
Hang on, I thought */* P/Ts worked no matter what zone they were in. Was this changed since Guildpact?
Posted By:
(5/19/2012 5:53:50 PM)
I just dislike this card on principle because it's reminder text is now wrong, heh.
Posted By:
(6/22/2010 6:21:02 AM)
Posted By:
(3/20/2011 11:53:39 AM)
46x times 87y over the square root of 90 equals...? What?
46x by 87...y? WHAT THE #@!$
Posted By:
(4/18/2011 5:47:59 PM)
Surely there is some combo...
Posted By:
(2/27/2011 11:23:30 AM)
I don't really know what to do with this booger.
Posted By:
(12/4/2009 8:09:26 PM)