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I remember reading somewhere that Windseeker Centaur's name is derived from its great sense of smell. I guess it can detect other creatures across long distances and thus be vigilant....

Well, red vigilance, and promos, are always cool.
Posted By: Kirbster (4/25/2011 8:20:23 AM)


I feel like this card could perform well in mono-red EDH.
Posted By: lorendorky (6/6/2011 12:05:45 PM)


Weird thing is, this was one of the earliest creatures to have vigilance. Between this, Serra Angel, Zephyr Falcon, Eternal Warrior, Rabid Wombat, and Yotian Soldier, vigilance could have gone to any piece of the color pie. Even black got Ghost Hounds shortly thereafter. But between this, Eternal Warrior, and Errantry, vigilance was more red than anything at this point in the game.
Posted By: longwinded (2/28/2011 8:43:38 PM)


Squish... eww color pie it's all broken
Posted By: JL_Weber (12/2/2009 7:17:55 PM)


I have two of these. Not very good, but they do look pretty cool.
Posted By: Bluehero (4/25/2010 10:46:26 PM)


2010/01/16: Gatherer wrongly lists this card as not playable in any tournament format. It is actually fully legal in Legacy and Vintage. From the Magic tournament rules :

3.3 Authorized Cards
Players may use any cards from special sets, supplements, and promotional printings that, unaltered, meet the following conditions:
• The card is published by Wizards of the Coast
• The card has a standard Magic back
• The card does not have squared corners
• The card has black or white borders
• The card is not damaged or modified in a way that might make it marked
• The card is otherwise legal for the tournament as defined by the format

Windseeker Centaur, as well as Nalathni Dragon and Sewers of Estark, are tournament-legal Magic cards, because they are published by WotC, they have Magic card backs, they do not have squared corners and they have black borders. They are legal in the Legacy and Vintage formats because all tournament-legal Magic c... (see all)
Posted By: MadMageQc (1/16/2010 7:36:19 PM)


I think it would be awesome if they took this and sewers of estark and actually put them in a set, like the other promos
Posted By: Omenchild (12/28/2009 10:33:41 PM)



The problem is that those cards don't fit the color pie anymore. This one did when it was first printed, but red no longer gets vigilance; Sewers of Estark never really fit the color pie. (Evasion is a bit black, but instant-speed total unblockability is more a blue trick; and its damage negation power isn't black at all.)

And of course Nalathni Dragon has banding, which is gone (and wouldn't be in red even if they decided to reintroduce it), so we're never seeing it in a set.
Posted By: Aquillion (7/18/2013 9:24:24 AM)


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