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Community Rating: 3.890 / 5  (77 votes)
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This is a common! That is awesome.
Posted By: lorendorky (7/6/2011 11:35:41 AM)


A great card, especially since flying and trample are a great combo. The low mana cost helps also since it can help lower your opponent's life total in mid-game.
Posted By: Alqatrkapa (11/7/2009 10:04:01 AM)


@True_Smog: Because 4 mana commons with two abilities are lucky to get 3/3 instead of a 2/2. The multicolor adds to both colors; blue gives flying, green trample, all on a creature with one of the coolest pictures I've seen in Magic. This isn't the best card ever but I've always loved it. It might just be small enough to avoid being taken out by your opponents until it's too late.
Posted By: sarroth (9/14/2010 9:55:16 AM)


I agree, it's great for graft decks (that's where I play it). I also like to use Murkfiend Liege in the deck, which instantly turns this in to a 5/5 and that's before activating any graft effects.
Posted By: typezeroserodin (1/25/2010 7:34:26 AM)


I love this card! Great with graft or any little combat tricks that green and blue might have. A great mid to late game beater that puts pressure on your opponent while having great art.
Posted By: ZeroSheep (4/14/2011 5:46:19 PM)


Toss some equipment down, guys, geez.
It has two of the abilities you need, so just slap on your Ogre's Cleaver or something.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (11/2/2011 10:26:40 PM)


Flample is my favorite keyword ability.
Posted By: metalevolence (10/19/2010 1:45:24 PM)


Excells with graft cards obviously. Although I would probably play this guy turn six with counterspell in hand if I was playing it with other graft creatures. I would rather have a late game powerhouse that can be protected then a mid game middling that might easily get killed. The flavor text on this guy is always fun to read but hey what can I say, the Simic are my favorite guild.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/17/2009 8:44:58 PM)


The art is amazing.
Posted By: Aun (5/8/2010 6:06:50 PM)


Definitely one of the main attackers for the simic guild, especially useful because the simic excel late game and this card can force your opponents to go on the defensive for a few turns. As well, great art and flavor text and, just like SavageBrain, the simic are my favorite guild as well
Posted By: Nantuko_Primus (6/8/2009 11:40:43 AM)


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