You're all bad at this whole commenting thing.
Consume the Meek
And not obsoleted. You can run this in a B/W deck that uses cheap black regenerating creatures and forgo the chance that you get a mirror deck. 4/5
Posted By:
(5/28/2010 1:33:28 AM)
Good effect...
What are Black/White gonna use this for?
Posted By:
(2/25/2010 9:50:52 AM)
Flavor text at its best.
Posted By:
(2/1/2013 3:24:25 AM)
Look, the problem is that no arguments can really justify this card. It was made shortly after Wrath of God continued it's reprint immortality and shortly before Damnation hit the seen and caused a ruckus. Therefore a Black AND White Wrath that does not kill everything is something that isn't right.
The problem was, they wanted it to be few mana cost, so they tried to make it closer to Wrath than to Plague Wind or Death Cloud. It really should have been a {3}{W}{W}{B}{B} at the least, and done something STUPID.
Merciless Eviction is really the only card that I can imagine in the "Orzhov's Wrath" spot, and it would have been inconcievable back then to make such a powerful Exiler that absolutely hoses so much of what existed back in those days. It still hoses a pretty big chunk of what exists now, but enough cards have been made since then that M.E. is fair in Modern and Legacy.
Posted By:
(3/1/2013 4:03:07 PM)
Well it certainly is a niche card, I'll give it that. However, there are more than a couple rascals at my kitchen table group who love their overkill tokens in EDH, and this takes care of that problem with ease.
Posted By:
(3/19/2013 11:22:15 AM)
now for +1cmc and a little less restrictive, we have Merciless Eviction.
Posted By:
(3/29/2013 7:37:33 AM)
You can run with a bunch of 4 cmc creatures, but Consume the Meek does it much better.
Posted By:
(12/1/2013 5:38:56 PM)