Seriously... I've taken out so much stuff with this card... in EDH, usually at least 3 or 5 artifacts. The amazing thing is that it copies itself, so one counter will only stop one artifact from being destroyed.
Posted By:
(6/25/2011 4:52:50 PM)
Best artifact destoryer in the game hands down. 5/5
Posted By:
(8/4/2011 5:58:24 AM)
Mycosynth Lattice anyone?
Posted By:
(8/8/2011 11:56:34 AM)
this card + liquimetal coating=victory. I love using this to take out mox cards. The only way it could be better is if it was an instant.
Posted By:
(8/18/2011 4:16:31 PM)
I like it when Wizards thinks, "This card will see casual and maybe even tournament sideboard play for decades. Let's give it some really gorgeous art."
The wild/playful colorfulness seems unusual for Pat Lee though -- I'm glad this card didn''t end up looking like Leave No Trace or Cleansing Beam or Reciprocate. Magic has more than enough "beam of energy destroying a thing" pictures as it is. I like that such a colorful spell is designed to destroy (mostly) colorless cards.
I'm sad this card's a sorcery. It wouldn't be overpowered as an instant.
Posted By:
(8/20/2011 4:41:34 PM)
Cheaper to deploy than Shatter, and you can replicate it for peanuts! Plus, it was illustrated by my favorite Transformers artist! (Now if only Dan Khanna would do a {R}/{W} Planeswalker for me.)
Posted By:
(1/9/2012 5:14:55 PM)
it's not strictly better then shatter or crush because those are instant speeds.... this is way better anyways though
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 3:02:10 PM)
The best artifact removal ever...
Posted By:
(1/17/2013 7:18:32 AM)
I will use this to destroy MasterOfEtherium and all his copycats.
Posted By:
(2/5/2013 3:16:14 PM)
Casting a spell with replicate can make a werewolf go back to it's human form if the replicate cost is paid at least once?
Posted By:
(10/11/2013 9:47:25 PM)