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Wait . . This was from Urza's Saga?
It all makes sense now!
Posted By: Hoonster (3/1/2011 7:34:50 AM)


You don't have to worry about his rarity that much, these days Wizards knows how devasting Goblins can be.
Therefore the new two-drop double-striking version of this guy, named Warren Instigator will be a Mythic Rare.
Posted By: Mode (9/6/2009 2:26:00 AM)


One of the best goblins ever! In the Urza Set it was just uncommon which was very nice.
Posted By: Taltor (12/8/2009 1:44:06 PM)


What is up with people wanting critical synergy-type "utility" tourney staple cards to be rare? It's a 1/1 combo enabler for 1. It should NOT be rare. How powerful a card is should have no bearing on rarity; rarity should only be used to balance limited play between necessary cards and oddball niche build-around-me cards. Commons should fit into most anything of that color, uncommons require a bit more deck specialization and rares should encourage building around. Goblin Lackey is a quintessential uncommon.

And if it was rare, it'd cost $40-50 instead of the $15-20 it does now.
Posted By: BegleOne (6/13/2011 6:55:29 AM)


Is it just me, or does that goblin look like Gary Coleman?
Posted By: Totema (7/29/2013 6:59:36 PM)


I'm sure when they designed this card, they imagined the worst gobbos that would hit the board would be mighty goblins of the flarg and not face-wreckers like Siege-Gang Commander.
Posted By: Smoked_Peasant (12/29/2008 1:20:56 PM)


The original thing to use this is with Gobllin Mutant. But yeah, you guys are right.
Posted By: Coufu (4/19/2009 11:05:34 PM)


@Smoked_Peasant: Indeed. I wonder if, when they were testing the likes of Goblin Piledriver, Goblin Sharpshooter and Goblin Warchief, someone went 'hang on a minute, what about this lackey chap?'
Posted By: stygimoloch (2/14/2009 7:02:56 AM)


Disagree with rarity comment. Cards like this aren't awesome in the sense that most rares are, they're pure utility cards, and utility cards shouldn't be put up in the highest rarities(i.e., R and MR), as it only serves to inflate the prices of these individual cards to ridiculous levels, especially when it's going to be used as much as it is. Uncommon is a good rarity for this one. It's a great card, but it simply doesn't feel powerful flavor-wise, hence the name, and that's part of what makes a good rare/mythic rare.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (7/8/2010 8:08:17 AM)


HOW is this an uncommon? It should be a rare!
Posted By: Saxophonist (8/26/2009 11:59:47 PM)


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