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Community Rating: 2.032 / 5  (63 votes)
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I like this card, a pity they didn't make his ability instant speed.
Posted By: Shiduba (6/27/2010 8:12:30 AM)


You guys have clearly never played a Shards draft. There this guy reads: 4R, Deal 4 to target creature. In Limited, this is eminently playable, and even high-pickable. Removal is important.

Yeah there are better cards, yeah he's not usable in Constructed. But that's not what this card was designed for.
Posted By: yesnomu (2/18/2011 4:41:52 PM)


Pretty unplayable, but not to the point that it is funny, like Chimney Imp. The flavor text is similar to Urborg Elf.
Posted By: JFM2796 (7/28/2011 1:39:14 PM)


At 5 mana, there are already plenty of good red creatures with the same CC or less such as

Savage Firecat
Flametongue Kavu
Dragon Whelp

Note that almost all the above creatures have better P/T ratios for the cost

This would have been half playable had it not have the sorcery restriction, it already has only 1 toughness which is vulnerable to everything

Posted By: Paladin85 (9/13/2011 1:54:51 AM)


Any one of three things could make this card work.
Four toughness.
Ability to hit players as well as creatures.
Ability at instant speed.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (10/14/2011 4:38:26 PM)


The sad part is, if someone decided to ping this, you couldn't even sac it in response...
Posted By: thexmanlight (2/27/2012 10:31:22 PM)


Such a low rating for a card that is *obviously* designed with limited in mind! And on that note, he's actually decent - 4 damage kills a lot of significant creatures, and even though he's expensive, often in limited you can't be overly picky (I recall Heartstabber Mosquito being a very high pick in limited (admittedly it does have CA over Bloodpyre Elemental), and that cost *seven* mana to kill a creature!

Deserves a 3-3.5/5 if you're analyzing it from it's limited playability. Overall, that probably brings it down to a 2.5.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (3/1/2012 11:06:08 AM)


This card would be decent if it sacced at instant speed. (It would have been outrageously good if it could sac at instant speed prior to the Magic 2010 rules, since it would be an almost guaranteed 8 damage to something, with half of it going wherever you want.)

Or if it had haste.

Honestly, it should have had both. A Ball Lightning is 6; this costs two more, so making it, say, 3RedRed, but with haste and an instant-speed sacrifice would've been playable, fun, and balanced.
Posted By: Aquillion (5/15/2013 5:05:00 PM)


"ARE YOU MAD BRO!?!?!" is all I can think of when I see the art. That elemental is trading with SOMETHING lol :)
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/14/2013 4:27:00 AM)


He's pretty bad, but compared to others at this rating this one at least has SOME uses sometimes. It will kill creatures if they've only got 4 toughness.
Posted By: Shiizu (9/1/2013 6:50:07 AM)


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