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Community Rating: 3.721 / 5  (52 votes)
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Making some sick plays like this with my EDH deck:

Turn 6 Goblin Warchief, Wizard, dropping Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. use Kiki-Jiki to copy Wizard, use the token to drop something like Siege-Gang Commander or Krenko, Mob Boss.

Obviously it would be set up with something like Goblin Recruiter stacking Goblin Ringleader then the above listed cards. It's fun times.
Posted By: boneclub (8/5/2012 11:01:38 PM)


Haters gonna hate
Posted By: TravisBlanchard (10/8/2012 11:04:52 AM)


Fun to play it right after Goblin Chieftain and immediately use it to drop another chieftain, a king, a Goblin Matron...
Posted By: Aquillion (4/13/2013 2:05:03 PM)


I feel this card is balanced. Turn 3 goblin chieftain. Turn 4 this and dropping a siege-gang commander would be nasty. Thats 9 damage from the gang swinging away.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/6/2013 9:58:52 AM)


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