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I dare say the *only* reason this is common is its body. The ability can prove to be a monster if left alone in an all-ally deck, or even a deck with a few allies splashed in. I run 4 in my 5 colour ally deck, and can usually get 3 out before the end of a multiplayer game, and the health gains are phenomenal - even with just the 3 of them, the third entering play creates 9 life - for 2 mana! The only card I can think of in standard with that kind of healing power would be Soul's Grace, and you'd need one heck of a tough creature for it to work. Even with this as the only healing ability in an ally deck, it really does the job nicely.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/24/2009 11:58:45 AM)


Soul Foundry
Posted By: rufflmao (12/6/2009 4:59:44 AM)


I had 3 of these on the field to start with, (so thats 13 life alone), then every ally after that made life gain ridiculous, the next ally to land is 12 life, then 15 then 18.. and so on.
Posted By: Mattmedia (10/10/2009 7:59:20 PM)


great ability, but for that cost, and common. dang that is excellent
Posted By: sliverlord5000 (9/25/2009 6:59:30 PM)


Posted By: ZEvilMustache (9/26/2009 9:54:49 AM)


It's a ''must have'' in any Ally deck. I once played a game with it and one of them became 18/18 thanks to three Kazuul Warlords! I played a Standard game against a Kor/Soldier deck and I won 2 to 0. The last game, I had 77 life. I love Ondu Cleric.
Posted By: Flanktacular (11/21/2009 8:00:19 AM)


Good in any ally deck, but can die to anything.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (12/1/2009 9:41:24 AM)


@Donovann: You are mostly correct. Ally cards' rulings read that their abilities count the number of allies as they resolve, not when they are cast. Here's how you would play it:

You play Diabolist. Diabolist gets put on the stack. Diabolist resolves. All ally abilities get put on the stack, meaning Ondu Cleric x2, Oran-Rief Survivalist, and Diabolist. Before they resolve, you play Excavator. Excavator gets put on the stack, then it resolves. All ally abilities get put on the stack, meaning Ondu Cleric x2, Oran-Rief Survivalist, Diabolist, and Excavator.

For Excavator's resolving, here's how it works:
Ondu Cleric's abilities resolve at the same time as everything else. They count the number of allies that are under your control currently. There are six. Cleric1 heals you for six. Cleric2 heals you for six. Oran-Rief Survivalist's ability resolves. He gets a +1/+1 counter. Diabolist's ability resolves and counts the number of allies. There are six, so you choose a tar... (see all)
Posted By: the-unbeliever (3/9/2010 11:00:33 AM)


I shrugged this guy off when I first saw him. Then I built an Ally deck. Wow, lifegain is usually weak, but the amount of lifegain over the game (w/ four copies and several more allies) is amazing with this card. Not quite a 5/5, but awesome for a common.
Posted By: agalloch (4/1/2010 6:00:22 PM)


There's something I need clarifying about how allies wok
So let's say I had two Ondu Cleric out, one Oran-Rief Survivalist out, and one Stonework Puma out. (This is a real situation.) Then on my next turn, I play two allies: Hagra Diabolist and Halimar Excavator. The way I understand it, I would then be able to gain 24 life, mill someone for 12 cards, and make someone lose 12 life.

I don't know if this is right. It seems too good. But my reasoning goes like this: I played two allies this turn, so I control a total of six allies, right? Two came into play this turn. So the "Whenever another ally comes into play" mechanic was triggered twice for each ally that gave me an ability when this happened. Therefore, I would put two +1/+1 counters on Oran-Rief Survivalist. But I would also gain 24 life. One of the Ondu Clerics would give me six life because Hagra Diabolist came into play (six because I control ... (see all)
Posted By: Donovann (6/28/2010 2:49:02 AM)


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