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This plus sac outlet = gold!
Posted By: wholelottalove (1/29/2013 9:58:33 AM)


This guy is really useful with cloudshift or Conjurer's Closet. Cloudshift makes the control effect an instant, so you can activate him twice in a turn for an extra white. As a reactive or defensive move you can cloudshift him before your opponent attacks. Sure it's not the most efficient move, considering you can't attack with the stolen creatures, but it can nab their more troublesome critters they plan to attack with and you get chump blockers to boot. It's an acceptable if somewhat unorthodox way to stall your opponent's sweep turn while you try to one-up them. There's an added bonus if you've got a second Cloudshift or Fling in your hand, so you can keep or dispose of the creature before their turn ends..

Requiring seven mana to hardcast hurts a little, but he is very useful for late-game maneuvers. In addition he combos extremely well with some other cards. I have had so many... (see all)
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (5/25/2013 4:11:05 PM)


I like this cycle, the primordials to me feel like budget alternatives to titans; high mana cost, relatively large bodies, and various ETB abilities.

In their art, most of the primordials have a little man nearby... part of a summoning ritual? Anyway, this guy appears to be on fire, which I find hilarious.

MOLTEN PRIMORDIAL, I summon thee from the embers of th - AUUUGH OH GOD IT BURNS
Posted By: Kontrah (7/31/2013 12:09:06 AM)


Usually is worse than insurrection, but decks that want insurrection probably wouldn't mind a "second" copy, and this mirrors insurrection closely enough to get the job done.
Posted By: mdakw576 (8/25/2013 7:44:18 AM)


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