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Maybe for Esper, just maybe
Posted By: Leuitikos (4/23/2013 5:28:22 PM)


This feels like Rakdos's Return and slaughter games had a baby, but the recessive genes showed through and it lost its red nature for blue.

And no this would not be good in EDH. There's only one copy of each card in EDH in which case you end up with a strictly more expensive Rakdos's Return.
Posted By: Flyheight (4/23/2013 4:23:46 PM)


Used in the right place at the right time, this could potentially eviscerate a deck and leave it helpless. But those conditions are almost impossible to produce, and if you get to the point where you have that much mana spare to throw around, you could be casting something much better.
Posted By: James_Kernaghan (4/24/2013 2:15:25 AM)


This really needed to be X1UB at least; that way, even if you could only pay one mana for X, you still had a Lobotomy. As it is, I can't see it replacing anything, especially the counter-immune Slaughter Games.
Posted By: CORRBentOrgy (4/24/2013 6:16:54 PM)


Would have been very fun at XBU, but no, Wizards just couldn't give Dimir some love
Posted By: flavioal28 (4/23/2013 8:32:42 PM)



I dearly love Mythic Rarity, unlike almost everyone else. You love the power of Mythic Rare cards, but you don't like how rare they are to find and buy. :P I actually CAN appreciate that, mechanically, this is *quite* a complex spell (thinking pure Vorthos here- it would be very difficult to learn and cast, ultimately it's not too much of a burden for us to read and interpret though)- and since it's a "To 11" version of a type of effect that is Already strictly at Rare...

Yeah. Mythic is actually the correct Rarity for this I believe. Compare Knowledge Pool. These cards are roughly as Spikey as each other (which is "Not") and roughly as high-potential as each other (which is bonkers if you are in a strange game or lucky or cheating or you're a Jedi or Ninja, which is like cheating except cool.) But Knowledge Pool didn't have any real ancestors or anything. It has lots of step-cousins. Trying to say "Eye of the Storm... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/24/2013 2:19:16 PM)


I know that it could be quite devestating in say EDH, and in a sense thats kind of mythic. But come on, this really would be more sensible at a rare seeing as how its not that great most of the time. I'll take my mind shatter any day
Posted By: omni8000 (4/23/2013 2:48:34 PM)


Remember when they previewed Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker and we were all like "He's not that impressive, but this means Dimir will get an awesome mythic to make up for it!" Well... yeah. I kept reading this over and over, expecting to find some hidden effect that made it all worth it, but nope, trolled again.
Posted By: Totema (4/23/2013 9:22:19 PM)


Is this card going to be winning standard tournaments? No. But the ability to cast Slaughter Games at the downside of 1 more mana, with the potential upside of hitting many more targets? I think this card deserves more respect!

My dream is to follow up an overloaded Cyclonic Rift with this card and cackle as his hand and deck are completely destroyed!
Posted By: TheChort (4/24/2013 1:10:14 PM)


Too expensive imho. By the time you can cast it, your opponent will probably have killed you (if he plays aggro or combo) or has a counterspell ready (control).
Posted By: majinara (4/24/2013 1:17:10 PM)


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