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I think it's unfair to say that Wizards switched their target audience from 'Experienced Adult Gamers' to 'Pokemon Kids'.

They switched their game from 'Needing to actually know all the rules of Calvinball (which defeats the purpose of Calvinball)' to 'Playable DnD, which is a hybrid of 4th and 3.5 edition rules, also known as Pathfinder.' :)

Or at least, they *try* to, and it often comes out looking like 4th Edition DnD. :P 4th E is better than people give it credit for though!

By the way, is 'Banding' taken as a card name? That would be really nice to reprint this named 'Banding' and make 'the simplification of Banding' Official :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/14/2013 12:05:24 PM)


I believe there's a mechanic this bears significant similarities to; it's called "Banding".

But when WotC realised that Banding was an unnecessarily wordy mechanic with unnecessarily complex interactions with other mechanics and timing issues that nobody understood least of all anyone on the Rules Team and didn't contribute anything to flavour that couldn't be done with a myriad of other things, I guess they decided it was a waste of everyone's time constantly reprinting it. So they made a technically inferior, simplified version of banding that only works while blocking and doesn't give people headaches.

2/5 for card usefulness
5/5 for clearing stuff up
Posted By: Dabir (7/12/2011 12:08:50 PM)


I take it you can say 'Nope, your creature aint dealing combat damage to my planeswalker but to me'?
Posted By: Pigglebee (2/12/2011 3:43:31 AM)


Er, I think there's a word for this. It's called "Banding".

But when WotC shifted their target market from experienced adult gamers to Pokemon kids, I guess they were scared of their clientelle not understanding how banding works. So they made an inferior, simplified version of banding that only works in defense.

2 out of 5 stars for functionality,
0 out of 5 stars for defiling the spirit of the game.
Posted By: DrJack (8/2/2012 5:28:50 AM)


"You choose how creatures attacking you deal combat damage."

With dustmops!
Posted By: Salient (2/17/2013 8:22:46 PM)



It's kind of ironic that, while calling people who have a hard time understanding banding idiots, you also use stereotypes ("Pokemon kids? Really?). It is idiocy to use stereotypes.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/21/2014 8:37:16 AM)


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