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@theismisacrime: This card is not horrible. If you play mono-red, you shouldn't play this turn 6 anyway. And not everybody goes Pro Tour, for that matter. This owns casual, as does Red Deck Wins in general.
Posted By: MadTheorist (11/16/2009 6:52:20 AM)


One of my best wins ever while testing cards for All in red came with this card on turn 2 on the Draw. My opponent Starts with Drowned Catacomb tapped. I have in my hand Mountain, Chrome mox, Seething Song, Seething song, Seething song, Dues of Calamity and Hostility, I draw Lighting Bolt. Nothing i can do with that, so I just play Mountain. He plays Island, Chrome Mox imprinting something black and plays Jace and activates the +2 ability. netting me one card a Mountain :D I draw and get incinerate. Now with 9!!! cards in hand two burn spells that later didnt make the deck. Hostility that also go cut. Mox fodder with the Dues, 3x Song !!!! and the now good mountian i proceded to play out the songs play hostility get 18 damge worth of elemental tokens a a nice turn 2, 24 damage to the dome.
Posted By: M2Dark4U (1/7/2010 11:16:37 PM)


You have to look at this card properly. It's a 6/6 haste for 6 that tries to multiply all your burn damage by 3 and make it persistent.

Yes it sucks if you get 6 tokens only to eat a volcanic fallout. That doesn't make the card bad. Note that the tokens stick around - they do not die at end of turn.

So ask yourself what would you rather have for say 1R:

3 points of damage to the dome.
3x 3/1 haste creatures.

hm, tough choice?
Posted By: AitrusX (2/5/2010 12:44:38 PM)


The Ferret in his article: http://www.wizards.com/Magic/magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/tf62 for his search for the most powerful multiplayer card of lorwyn writes
"As far as I see it, there are three different possibilities for Hostility in a multiplayer deck. The first is in a straight-up multiplayer burn deck, the second a combo-style variant, usually centred around Pandemonium, and the third is simply running it as a one-of in any deck with Earthquake."

Is the use with Pandemonium correct? Pandemonium allow a creature (permanent) to deal damage to a player. It is not a spell on the stack.

I used Hostility with Where Ancients Tread and I got 5 tokens plus Hostility attacking for 21 overrun.
I'm afraid I have to apologize with my friends for the misuse...

We didn't have clear the definition of spell. We simpli assumed that spell is everything that go on the stack. Also effect of enchantments and so on..

Please clarify
Posted By: Guest379324807 (2/18/2010 5:54:44 AM)


i got a question. ill drag it out and explain it the best i can.... if you have Hostility to gain the 3/1's. and then play furnace or rath to deal double damage with spells/any damage, then you use lava axe to deal 5 damage. do you deal and prevent 10, gaining 10 tokens, or just deal and prevent 5 and gain 5 tokens. and does this mean Obelisk of alara wont do 3, then prevent it and gain 3 tokens if furnace of rath is out?
Posted By: psychokid121 (3/13/2010 3:37:01 AM)



Wow, absolutely none of those work with this card...
Posted By: altheuser (5/27/2010 1:30:27 PM)


@JesterD: Unfortunately, no. Your opponent would choose which source prevents the damage dealt to him or her. Damage cannot be prevented multiple times.

"616.1. If two or more replacement and/or prevention effects are attempting to modify the way an event affects an object or player, the affected object's controller (or its owner if it has no controller) or the affected player chooses one to apply, following the steps listed below. If two or more players have to make these choices at the same time, choices are made in APNAP order (see rule 101.4)."
Posted By: Kelrath (6/27/2010 8:53:57 PM)


keep in mind that it doesn't say it has to be red damage being dealt... a.k.a. underworld dreams in a 4-way etc.
Posted By: Shinigami2099 (9/12/2010 4:29:27 PM)


Here's another combo, use this with Incandescent Soulstoke, put on the battle for only 2 and Haste. When it's sac at the end of the turn, return to your library.
Posted By: drexlor0296 (9/27/2010 7:17:26 AM)


One question: Would Pandemonium damage count as damage from a "spell you control?" If it does, you could play Lightning Bolt on your opponent, get the 3 3/1's, deal 9 pandemonium damage (which is prevented, giving you 9 tokens and 27 damage), and repeat as necessary. Once you get a couple hundred tokens, deal 6 damage to Hostility and the rest to your opponent and win. I might be missing something completely, but it seems like this would work.
Posted By: mrd8888 (10/2/2010 8:29:54 AM)


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