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Community Rating: 3.725 / 5  (200 votes)
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I love this card. Goes great in my Hellfire deck.

Lord of the Pit is hard to use at first, but what you need is a token generator (I use wasps and saprolings).

I too love the new artwork.
Posted By: movie_cultist (6/22/2009 9:36:48 AM)


Nowadays that we have Jund and Golgari, getting to sacrifice a creature every turn can actually be quite an advantage. Plus, you get a giant flying, trampling 7/7 demon. I know that it's not the best card (Or even close to Akroma's equal), but I think it deserves a better rating than it has right now (the new art alone is worth 3 stars!). And at least when he deals 7 to you, he doesn't tap like some other demons.

Try him with Dragon Appeasement and Golgari Germination for some fun. :)
Posted By: Weretarrasque (9/27/2009 8:10:56 AM)


nice card!
Posted By: CarlosTrivium (9/10/2009 10:36:30 AM)


There are many better Demons now, but this artwork still makes me wanna play him.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (8/15/2010 11:38:52 AM)


Aw hell, now I have to repair the fourth wall again.
Posted By: Totema (3/24/2012 12:55:29 AM)


How often does the flavor text talk to the player personally?
It's a bit intimidating, honestly. I like it.

I find it a bit sad that he can't grapple with a particularly large squid, or scaled wurm. It seems like he should be able to do that, what with all the flavorful power.
I guess it just puts Emrakul in perspective though. Emrakul could take on two of these guys at the same time, even though it would be a tough fight.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (8/6/2011 2:00:57 PM)



Unfortunately, Lord of the pit's Sacrifice effect is not optional unless he is the only creature You control. So you would have to sacrifice stuffy doll to sate Lord of the pit's hunger. A truly gluttonous demon. He wont stop eating until everything is gone!
Posted By: Yozuk (4/26/2011 11:11:15 PM)


The first magic card I ever got was an alpha version Lord of the Pit. It got me in to magic, I love it with all of my heart, so I rated him a 5/5 and will always play him in every black deck I ever make =

Also the new art is so sexy!
Posted By: Rikiaz (9/22/2010 10:19:03 AM)


I love this card. Yes, for nowadays standards its too weak and dangerous, but at least, in compare to Akroma, its in Magic since like the beginning. I have great fun with him in Divine vs. Demonic. He really needs that Breeding Pit, though. Also, a single Pacifism WILL ruin your fun. The guy really misses Protection from White :)
Posted By: Rotary_Fist (6/24/2009 1:47:33 PM)


I'm sorry, maybe there are better cards out there, but this is some of the coolest artwork I've ever seen. That guy is so bad-ass looking... and the flavor text is awesome. He has his drawbacks, but for long-time Magic players, it is great to see this behemoth back on the table.

5/5 Thanks WoTC!
Posted By: Gaussgoat (1/13/2010 8:42:20 AM)


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