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Community Rating: 2.310 / 5  (63 votes)
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Although it isn't a very good card, there are decks where it works well and I think it could be extremely good in a mono-green land ramping deck (casual) tap your lands to get a fatty then sac them so you'll have another fatty, and this one's in the air, not something common to green.

Wizards is always very cautious about printing colorless cards and so they usually end up a bit worse than they should be
Posted By: imsully2 (7/5/2012 5:10:08 AM)


Sort of like Wood Elemental, except playable and not atrociously bad.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (7/31/2012 11:57:05 PM)


Right on the money Bass1987. If I ever get my hands on a couple of crucibles Herald and Copper leaf are going in.
Posted By: funnynuts (10/4/2012 4:49:15 PM)


Countryside Crusher & Knight of the Reliquary.
No mana cost to repeatably put mass lands in the graveyard...obviously meant to be a combo piece where flying is needed.
Posted By: MattLynn (4/19/2013 6:12:19 AM)


You have to wonder if the flavour text was written before the card was finalized.
Posted By: TPmanW (10/27/2013 1:02:11 PM)


For 5 mana, why would you want an initially small creature that's prone to removal, takes an additional turn to get big, and still asks you to dump most of your lands for it? Your opponent can even kill her before she gets the counters!

This is a terrible beater.
Sure, Baneslayer Angels weren't a thing back then. But Serra Angel definitely was.
And Rathi Dragon, which is basically this minus the suck.

It's actually a functionally interesting high risk, high reward card. But the problem with this card is the casting cost. This should have been a 3 in that top right corner.
Posted By: Mode (3/20/2014 3:39:17 AM)


It's a pity to see such lovely art wasted on such a naff card.
Posted By: S_Jake (5/16/2014 1:52:15 PM)


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