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Community Rating: 3.800 / 5  (50 votes)
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Gaining 18 life off of this card in limited is SO satisfying.
Posted By: CogMonocle (6/22/2013 11:03:49 PM)


I want to try this in my removal-heavy half-vampire legacy deck. And yeah, awesome against reanimator.
Posted By: Lamaboy4 (7/25/2013 2:36:23 PM)


Another reason i suspect Rat tribal decks are going to see a rise in usage. Ravenous Rats + Ogre Slumlord are killer. Now throw in Mortus Strider + Launch Party. And if that's not enough, Crypt Incursion on T6 just to make sure they can't catch up to you and make you eat it if they wanted to Reanimate something....
Posted By: SlipperyDevil (9/18/2013 9:50:33 PM)


Anyone knows what is the interaction between this card and Underworld Cerberus?
Posted By: Kinhason (11/9/2013 3:19:59 AM)


This card has saved me so many times
Posted By: I_am_Cozmic (12/11/2013 8:47:48 AM)


Not really good enough as hate material IMO. It's a 3-drop, which is a very contested spot, and it's... a 3-drop. That's usually way too slow against reanimator and dredge strategies unless you play it off like Dark Ritual, but then you've wasted a Rit...

Eh, okay for standard. The meta is in no way graveyard based though, and really doesn't look like it will from the design direction of Theros, so yeah.
Posted By: Mistralis (1/1/2014 10:26:59 PM)


My Commander deck managed to kill someone with this card and Sanguine Bond. This card is great sideboard/utility. I run this and Rakdos Charm for the utility and frequency of graveyard recursion in the format.
Posted By: raccoonmask (4/30/2014 11:42:55 AM)


I'm using this the way it should be I hope; sparingly. I only have one in my deck, it should be more than enough if I hold on to it or manage to stall the game. Excels best in multi-player so that your options can vary.
Posted By: Vursor (5/13/2014 3:34:30 AM)


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