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Nice card there :)

There are lots of combos to actually charge it and then to use it.

To charge it quickly, Staggershock comes to mind as well as a combination of Necrogen Censer and Throne of Geth. You should run this with Hideous End as removal. You could even make your opponent Sign in Blood if you're desperate!

To use it, I prefer Archive Trap over Traumatize because of its instant speed and the chances to cast it for 0. The Sword of Body and Mind can also do the trick.

Oh and also, this guy can also help you to finish charging it or to use it. It's good to fetch the combo because, you know, theoretical perfect hands that kill in 3-4 turns don't happen that often ;p
Posted By: Diab0l0 (4/20/2011 10:31:27 PM)


IMO the Ascensions would be more flavourful if they were legendary.
Posted By: Saha (9/26/2009 5:07:39 AM)


This + Mind Crank (New Phyrexia)= InstaWin
Posted By: Universalis (4/21/2011 12:12:25 PM)


Unlike the other Ascensions: Archmage, Luminarch, Beastmaster, Pyromancer, it fails to Change to Board -- Worst of the 5. Also Sexy Vampire?
Posted By: Zokorad (5/13/2012 5:34:01 AM)


Insanely low casting cost, quest object which is what almost every deck needs to do to win anyway, and a strong effect that is nearly impossible to avoid make this a strong card. Once active it combos well with global creature destruction, or milling, is an instant kill with Archive Trap or 10 damage with Tome Scour, and 6 damage on Landfall with Hedron Crab. It also shuts down search functions that include discarding (ex Bazaar of Baghdad)

Utterly broken in multiplayer formats unless we get errata to make it target one opponent.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (9/28/2009 3:11:43 PM)


honestly, three turns isnt long enough. dealing 2 damage in 3 turns is easy. and then this enchantment jsut goes crazy. it wins games on its own. and all it is, is 1 mana? im sorry but they fucked up. this is near broken. should of at least been more mana or more counters. for a card this good, its definitely undercosted.
Posted By: FugimSky (5/4/2010 6:19:02 PM)


Best of the Ascensions
Posted By: Adren (9/29/2009 8:15:58 AM)


yeah traumatize with this
Posted By: Faust-The-Desolate (7/15/2010 10:34:46 AM)


@ sonorhC: Tokens do enter the graveyard but they cease to exist once go there. That may have been what you meant but to me it wasn't clear.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (9/4/2012 12:32:43 PM)


While a low cost and a powerful effect the weakness lies in that it has to sit there for 3 turns before it does anything. That's three turns for an opponent to find an answer. That said for B your probably going to be up mana if they do and even then most people don't main deck enchantment destruction. Scary card.
Posted By: grayseeroly (9/28/2009 1:33:14 PM)


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