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Absolutely brutal to face against if you don't deal with it quickly in standard. COmbine it with Grove of the Guardian and Giant Adephage and you will be gaining a ton of life. Mixing it with Serra Avatar could surely create a lot of problems.

Posted By: GhostCounselor (3/18/2013 7:41:01 AM)


I have GWU (BANT) Agro deck with GW tokens and U for control cards like Detention Sphere on Standard and Trostani is very good in this deck, it is especially good at defeating agro players, and also some control players (especially Izzet), but it has got a little worse match-up against UW players.
Posted By: Kikatch (3/18/2013 3:11:57 PM)


I think people severely underestimate the powerhouse this card is in a good midrange deck, especially against aggro. Fights off Burning-Tree Emissary like a champ, and just generally puts you out of their range. Not even that hard to play with Avacyn's Pilgrim and Arbor Elf/Temple Garden as your mana dorks. Like the human clause on Falkenrath Aristocrat, the populate is something that is an added bonus rather than necessary to make the card good.

The only draw back is the Legendary clause.
Posted By: Taudisban (3/21/2013 1:19:09 PM)


this card literally saved me from an overwhelming stampede
one time when I was playing with my friend I had trostani, selesnya voice 2 kazandu tuskcaller out with one parallel lives
and every turn I just pump out 4 3/3 elephant and gain 16 life

my friend was using his big green deck and had several massive +6/6 creature out, then he play overwhelming stampede, and swung at me for 30 something damage, yet I managed to hold out with ten lives remaining.
Posted By: tokenmage (4/3/2013 11:44:56 AM)


4/16/2013 1:25:28 PM
{1){G}{W}{T}: Bang the bitches in the picture.

Edit: Damn! I thought that was a dude in the middle.
Posted By: raptorman333 (4/26/2013 9:07:13 AM)


Combo with Builder's Blessing untapped creatures you control get +2 toughness. Am I right that this would be counted in Trostani's lifegain? Only downside is they are competing for the same spot Edit: Magical Christmas Land, Builder's Blessing, Trostani and Captain of the Watch = 17 life gain, or with Trostani's summoner = 18 life-gain, ha also see Collective Blessing
Posted By: TowerDefender (5/9/2013 1:22:35 PM)


This is a fantastic card that has only gotten better with time. With new tournament-level token producing cards like Voice of Resurgence and Advent of the Wurm, her populate ability is all the more relevant. Although she's actually quite good even if you never use her populate ability; the life gain alone can be insurmountable if she isn't quickly dealt with.
Posted By: TheChort (6/23/2013 10:06:15 PM)


A 2/5 body for four and two relevant abilities make her one of the best guild leaders. The double Green and White make her a little bit difficult to cast, but once she is out there she is very powerful.

I once saw a guy who had Trostani and a Rhox Faithmender out then play another Faithmender, gaining twenty life for only four mana.

Posted By: Tamerlein (7/18/2013 10:04:25 PM)


I use Trostani, Selesnya's Voice as the Commander for my commander deck, and I discovered a wicked combo with Ajani Goldmane. When you use Ajani's avatar, creature token ability in tandem with both of Tostani's abilities you quickly amass an army of massive creature tokens as well as a huge life total.
Posted By: mpatt89 (8/8/2013 1:26:42 PM)


It's like a Soul Sister on steroids!
Posted By: IamjustnotCreative (8/27/2013 1:58:10 PM)


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