"Betrayers of Kamigawa" (170)

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Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens Patron of the Akki Patron of the Kitsune Patron of the Moon Patron of the Nezumi Patron of the Orochi Petalmane Baku Phantom Wings Psychic Spear Pus Kami Quash Quillmane Baku Reduce to Dreams Ribbons of the Reikai Roar of Jukai Ronin Cliffrider Ronin Warclub Sakiko, Mother of Summer Sakura-Tribe Springcaller Scaled Hulk Hired Muscle (Scarmaker) Scour Scourge of Numai Shimmering Glasskite Shining Shoal Shinka Gatekeeper Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker Shizuko, Caller of Autumn Shuko Shuriken Sickening Shoal Silverstorm Samurai Skullmane Baku Skullsnatcher Slumbering Tora Soratami Mindsweeper Sosuke's Summons Sowing Salt Splinter Split-Tail Miko Stir the Grave Stream of Consciousness Sway of the Stars Takeno's Cavalry Takenuma Bleeder Tallowisp Teardrop Kami Tendo Ice Bridge Terashi's Grasp Terashi's Verdict That Which Was Taken Threads of Disloyalty Three Tragedies Throat Slitter Toils of Night and Day Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar Torrent of Stone Toshiro Umezawa Traproot Kami Twist Allegiance Umezawa's Jitte Unchecked Growth Uproot Veil of Secrecy Vital Surge Walker of Secret Ways Ward of Piety Waxmane Baku Yomiji, Who Bars the Way Yukora, the Prisoner
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