Ventos do Abandono
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Ventos do Abandono
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Card Text:
Exile a criatura alvo que você não controla. Para cada criatura exilada desta forma, seu controlador procura no próprio grimório um card de terreno básico. Aqueles jogadores colocam aqueles cards no campo de batalha virados e depois embaralham os próprios grimórios.
Sobrecarga 4WhiteWhite (Você pode conjurar esta mágica pagando seu custo de sobrecarga.
Se fizer isso, altere seu texto substituindo todas as ocorrências de "a criatura alvo" por "cada criatura".)
Card Number:
Portuguese (Brazil)
6/14/2019 If a creature is exiled but ends up in another zone, it's still a "creature exiled this way" for Winds of Abandon.
1/12/2024 If you don't pay the overload cost of a spell with overload, that spell will have a single target. If you pay the overload cost, the spell won't have any targets.
1/12/2024 Because a spell with overload doesn't target when its overload cost is paid, it may affect permanents with hexproof or with protection from the appropriate color.
1/12/2024 To determine the total cost of a spell, start with the mana cost or alternative cost you're paying (such as an overload cost), add any cost increases, then apply any cost reductions. The mana value of the spell remains unchanged, no matter what the total cost to cast it was.
1/12/2024 If you are instructed to cast a spell with overload "without paying its mana cost," you can't choose to pay its overload cost instead.
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