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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
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结界 ~ - 传纪
Card Text:
I, II, III — 派出一个3/3黑色,具威慑异能的鬼魂衍生生物。魔戒引诱你。
IV — 为每位对手各进行以下流程~获得至多一个目标由该牌手操控的生物之操控权直到回合结束。重置这些生物。它们获得敏捷异能直到回合结束。魔戒引诱你。
Card Number:
Chinese Simplified
6/16/2023 While resolving In the Darkness Bind Them's first three chapter abilities, you can choose the Wraith token you just created to be your Ring-bearer as the Ring tempts you.
6/16/2023 If a creature targeted by In the Darkness Bind Them's final chapter ability changes controllers before the ability resolves, that creature is no longer a legal target.
6/16/2023 When In the Darkness Bind Them's final chapter ability triggers, you can choose to target no creatures just so that the Ring tempts you. However, if you do choose at least one target, and all of those targets are illegal at the time the ability tries to resolve, the ability won't resolve and none of its effects will happen. The Ring won't tempt you.
6/16/2023 As the Ring tempts you, you get an emblem named The Ring if you don't have one. Then your emblem gains its next ability and you choose a creature you control to become (or remain) your Ring-bearer.
6/16/2023 The Ring can tempt you even if you don't control a creature. In this case, abilities that trigger "whenever the Ring tempts you" will still trigger.
6/16/2023 If the creature you choose as your Ring-bearer was already your Ring-bearer, that still counts as choosing that creature as your Ring-bearer for the purpose of abilities that trigger "whenever you choose a creature as your Ring-bearer" or abilities that care about which creature was chosen as your Ring-bearer.
6/16/2023 The Ring gains its abilities in order from top to bottom. Once it gains an ability, it has that ability for the rest of the game.
6/16/2023 Each time the Ring tempts you, you must choose a creature if you control one.
6/16/2023 Each player can have only one emblem named The Ring and only one Ring-bearer at a time.
6/16/2023 Some spells and abilities that cause the Ring to tempt you may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won't resolve. The Ring won't tempt you.
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