Rex, cibersabueso
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Rex, cibersabueso
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Criatura artefacto legendaria — Perro robot
Card Text:
Siempre que Rex, cibersabueso haga daño de combate a un jugador, ese jugador muele dos cartas y tú obtienes EnergyEnergy (dos contadores de energía).
Pagar EnergyEnergy: Elige una carta de criatura objetivo en un cementerio. Exíliala con un contador de cerebro sobre ella. Activa esto solo como un conjuro.
Rex tiene todas las habilidades activadas de todas las cartas en el exilio con contadores de cerebro sobre ellas.
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Card Number:
3/8/2024 Rex gains only activated abilities. It doesn't gain triggered abilities or static abilities. Activated abilities contain a colon. They're generally written "[Cost]: [Effect]." Some keywords are activated abilities and may have colons in their reminder text.
3/8/2024 If an activated ability of a card in exile with a brain counter on it references the card it's printed on by name, treat Rex's version of that ability as though it referenced Rex, Cyber-Hound instead. For example, say Arcade Gannon (which has the ability "Tap: Draw a card, then discard a card. Put a quest counter on Arcade Gannon.") is in exile with a brain counter on it. You would treat Rex's version of the ability as though it said "Tap: Draw a card, then discard a card. Put a quest counter on Rex, Cyber-Hound."
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