Tot vor dem Morgenrot
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Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Tot vor dem Morgenrot
Mana Cost:
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Card Text:
Bis zum Ende des Zuges erhalten gesetzlose Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, +1/+0 und „Tap: Diese Kreatur fügt einer Kreatur deiner Wahl Schadenspunkte in Höhe ihrer Stärke zu."
Flavor Text:
Daniels Fehler war nicht nur, dass er allein kam. Er hätte auch nicht annehmen sollen, dass sein Rivale dasselbe tun würde.
Card Number:
4/12/2024 If a creature leaves the battlefield while the ability granted to it by Dead Before Sunrise is still on the stack, use that creature's power as it last existed on the battlefield to determine how much damage to deal.
4/12/2024 A card, spell, or permanent is an outlaw if it has the Assassin, Mercenary, Pirate, Rogue, or Warlock creature type. It doesn't matter if it has more than one of those creature types; as long as it has at least one, it's an outlaw.
4/12/2024 Outlaw is not a creature type. If an effect asks you to choose a creature type, you can't choose outlaw.
4/12/2024 If an ability refers to an outlaw or whether a player controls an outlaw, it's referring only to permanents with one or more of the creature types specified above. Notably, it's not referring to any spell or card not on the battlefield. However, other abilities may refer to an "outlaw spell" or "outlaw card" in a zone other than the battlefield. Those abilities refer to spells and cards with one or more of the specified creature types.
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