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Community Rating: 4.344 / 5  (48 votes)
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Personally, I like this on my Mirari, so that when I Twincast my Lightning Bolt, I end up with 12 points of damage, out of 5 mana, with Mirari copying BOTH spells.

Goes amazingly on any non-tapping artifact with 3 or more activation costs, though.
Posted By: Perikles (1/18/2010 5:17:11 AM)


Staff of Domination makes it impossible to die from damage, since you're got yourself free untap of the staff and a tap ability for life. Add a second one, and your creatures never tap and your foe's never untap. Add a third, and you can simply play your deck. Not like you'd need more than one on the staff, but it's seriously ridiculous. Toss in a creature with a tap for mana ability... you see where this is going. Also fun, equipment shuffles (like shuffling around a pinging artifact to a bunch of weenies, or any number of tap ability equipments). Lots of interesting ideas you could use, so it deserves a 4.
Posted By: Zaneshift (9/7/2010 5:30:30 PM)



I like the idea of them reprinting it, though the much higher CMC ColorlessColorless, and the proposed limitation Variable Colorless just seems to kill why people like the card so much, but that is just my opinion.
Posted By: Travelsonic (7/3/2012 7:39:59 AM)


These days decking an opponent with Blue Sun's Zenith is a well known win-con. I wonder if anyone used this with Basalt Monolith and Braingeyser?
Posted By: SeriouslyFacetious (5/10/2014 8:42:23 PM)


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