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It's funny that just recently, this guys Tomb and remains were discovered in China :)
Posted By: GrimGorgonBC (12/30/2009 6:41:20 PM)


Man as bad as this dude was, he totally sucked in Dynasty Warriors! Great card, I actually ran 2 of him in a very old GB elf control deck I once had.
Posted By: shocker300 (9/30/2010 3:15:57 AM)


this guy is one bad mamba jamba. I saw that he is not as spendy as Xiahou Dun ^_^
Posted By: badmofo (8/6/2011 11:03:11 PM)


Cool activated ability, bro.
Posted By: Kirbster (7/25/2010 11:43:05 AM)


Very good ability. Also, considering he massacred tens of thousands, Black seems to be the correct color to put him in (Wikipedia, FTW.)
Posted By: UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD (8/22/2009 12:01:50 AM)


His ability is very useful, in that it can prevent some combat tricks from opponent just before the combat itself.
From an overall point of view however we can't avoid noticing that 3BlackBlack is no joke.
Posted By: Paolino (1/13/2012 8:07:32 AM)


It's so frustrating that the Portal 3K cards are so limited and hard to get in the US or even in English for that matter!

Sound off if you want to see them made available somewhere other than MTGO for us US players!
Posted By: ong312 (6/3/2011 1:27:27 AM)


We'll be getting him in FTV: Legends!
Posted By: RazzmatazzTheGreat (8/10/2011 9:38:38 PM)


I don't quite know enough about P3K, except that PK-421 isn't at his post.

Even so, just by rarity alone, any remotely useful card from Kingdoms justifies inclusion in a From the Vault set.

I think it might be a good idea for Wizards to make another special boxed set, not Premium Decks, not Commander or Archenemy, and not even From the Vault to get a lot more Portals cards into Black-Bordered English. Try like a thing the size of a booster box (540 cards) MSRP = $100, and a foil alternate art Xiahou-Dun, the One-Eyed can come automatically for Buy-A-Case Buyers.

They don't want to destroy the secondary market for cards- reprinting Xiahou-Dun, if it's done at all, needs to be done carefully so we don't repeat the Chronicles/Legends fiasco. It can be done, but not even in From the Vault, or any currently released product. Maybe something special for Gen Con one of these years? You can knock an UBER OMFG rare down to a Mythic Rare, but not down to uncommon. Not everyone will have a ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/11/2011 3:35:45 PM)


Making useful cards rare to inflate their prices on the secondary market is complete nonsense. Anyway, what has wizards got to lose by reprinting these to lower their prices? They don't sell p3k packs. Same could be said about other old rare sets. Makes Legacy and Vintage- otherwise great!- too expensive for anyone to want to play in paper. Playing them online would be just fine, but in Vintage's case, there is no Power 9 online to play with.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (8/24/2011 2:38:46 PM)


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