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Squee's ability is pretty nasty, and is flavorful to the character. However, isn't Reassembling Skeleton just as good, if not better?
Posted By: mattszc (11/12/2012 10:58:15 AM)


Such a good card... so good that it can easily be run in decks that don't have the slightest intention of running any red mana sources. I've been running at least one copy in virtually all my decks with Fauna Shaman, and for good reason - her ability effectively becomes G, T: tutor a creature every turn. You can keep playing out the creatures you find and keep on digging with her, seeing as Squee keeps coming back to your hand.

@Mattscz - the issue with the skeleton is twofold. Firstly, it requires 2 mana to bring it back. Secondly, it goes to the battlefield, when Squee is used for a lot of "discard a card" hijinx, like Fauna Shaman, Chandra Ablaze, Mind Over Matter, etc. Reassembling Skeleton is better if you want multiple sacrifices, but then, Gravecrawler is even better than that.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (11/26/2012 6:04:19 AM)


You can still exile it but it's the closest thing to immortal I've ever seen.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (12/21/2012 8:41:01 PM)


Wow! Expendable, and irreplaceable? What a bargain!
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (1/16/2013 11:02:00 AM)


The word nabob, which has its origins in the Hindi word, nawab, refers to a rich or influential person. It was originally used to describe a European who had made a lot of money in an eastern country, especially India.
Posted By: Nagoragama (2/18/2013 11:22:05 AM)


Worship helps make Squee waste opponents' removal.
Posted By: MattLynn (3/29/2013 4:09:48 AM)


This + Goblin Grenade + Recoup = Grenade Launcher.
Posted By: SubstantiaNigra (4/4/2013 2:35:54 PM)


I love flavor text that tells you what to do with a card!
Posted By: snied (5/28/2013 10:41:01 AM)


Could I pitch this to Solitary Confinement and then pull him back in my hand during the same upkeep? Or do I have to let him sit in my yard and hope my opponent does not have graveyard exile?
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (6/3/2013 3:49:59 AM)


I've done a lot of trading over the years, but my foil Squee? I don't think so.
Posted By: lilwolf2005 (7/14/2013 3:04:40 AM)


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