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If march of the machines is in play and i reveal Mycosynth lattice using Impromptu Raid is Mycosynth Lattice a creature and is put onto the battlefield or does it go to the graveyard?
Posted By: SwampN3rd (6/28/2010 12:00:31 PM)


Twitch is right. The ruling says there are 5 artifact lands but there are actually 6.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (8/5/2010 2:24:01 PM)


A couple of hypotheticals I was wondering if anyone can clear up:

First, let's say you play Glimpse of Nature, then Mana Vault, and follow it up with March of the Machines. Does the Mana Vault that was played during the turn and became a creature allow you to draw a card because of Glimpse of Nature?

Second, if you have March of the Machines out and you play a Lotus Petal, would the fact that it's a creature mean it would have to have haste in order to activate it's ability, or is the fact that it's ability is not really a creature ability allow you to use it, and if so, would you have a chance to tap and sac it before it becomes 0/0 and dies?
Posted By: telero (10/6/2010 5:03:09 PM)


Does this ability apply to artifacts that are not on the field (in the hand or in the deck, for example) as well?

If not, does the ability apply when the card is put into the stack to be cast?
Posted By: Angelbaka (11/17/2010 12:37:33 AM)


No, neither case would the ability be in effect. When it doesn't say "card" or "spell", it is assumed to be a permanent. So to affect artifacts in your hand, library, graveyard, and (I believe) exiled zone, it has to say "noncreature artifact card". And for the stack, it would have to say "noncreature artifact spell". So unless it is in play, this ability does not affect them at all. See Painter's Servant and Mycosynth Lattice for an example of what I mean.

On the other hand, this does make them a creature as they enter the battlefield. Much like how lords (Creatures that improve other creatures of the same time) increase power/toughness as a creature enters the battlefield. So noncreature artifacts WILL trigger "When a creature enters the battlefield..." abilities with this out there.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (8/28/2011 7:08:09 AM)


Its a good counter to artifact lands and 0 cmc artifacts as well.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/29/2013 4:11:45 PM)


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