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Community Rating: 4.488 / 5  (83 votes)
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In eighteen hundred and forty-six
And of March the eighteenth day,
We hoisted our colors to the top of the mast
And for Greenland sailed away,
And for Greenland sailed away.

The lookout, in the crosstrees he stood
With spyglass in his hand;
There's a whale!, There's a whale!,
And A whalefish! he cried
And she blows at every span,
And she blows at every span.

The captain stood on the quarterdeck,
The ice was in his eye;
Overhaul, overhaul! Let your jibsheets fall,
And you'll put your boats to sea,
And you'll put your boats to sea.

The harpoon struck and the line played out,
With a single flourish of his tail,
He capsized the boat and we lost five men,
And we did not catch that whale,
And we did not catch that whale.

The losing of those five jolly men,
It grieved the captain sore,
But the losing of that fine whalefish
Now it grieved him ten times more,
Now it grieved him ten times more.

Oh Greenland is a barren land
A land that bears no green
Where there's ice and snow, and the whal... (see all)
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (11/4/2010 5:17:42 PM)


Cool card...although you need seven lands to play it, it costs nothing.

There's a whole cycle with this card. One is a Persuasion (Treachery), one counters a spell, and another is like an unsummon.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/13/2009 9:39:26 PM)


Deadeye Navigator. Infinite mana.
Posted By: merlin34 (7/31/2012 10:00:28 AM)


Posted By: Paleopaladin (1/16/2012 9:58:54 PM)



Posted By: yousquiddinme (3/5/2013 1:32:04 PM)


Costs less then nothing, considering you'd play this with lands that tap to give more then one mana, so you'll untap more lands then you tapped to play this. Blue mage ends turn with more then 10 mana's worth of lands untapped and cards in hand? Psychological warfare against your opponent.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/14/2010 8:29:42 AM)


This is absolutely perfect for blue. A blue deck is probably not concerned with casting big creatures until later in the game anyway, so this allows you to protect yourself still if you don't have your opponent completely locked down yet. It's not super fancy, but nothings stopping you from playing a nice Sphinx of Jwar Isle with those untapped lands.
Posted By: SleetFox (3/16/2010 5:37:19 PM)


Play this from your hand are you crazy just cycle it with Recurring Nightmare plus any of the come into play cards=Game
Posted By: Tackle74 (4/28/2010 7:26:09 PM)


aha! who cares how good it is, look at the artwork!!
oh, it's a good card? i'll take it.
Posted By: iantewks (5/22/2010 3:26:22 PM)


interestingly, the whale does not require you to control islands or have your opponent control islands. this was so common with big swimmers in blue back then
Posted By: bagilis (9/8/2010 4:21:45 AM)


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