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Community Rating: 4.061 / 5  (57 votes)
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Looks JUST like a Beksinski painting
Posted By: UNATCO (12/25/2013 2:07:57 PM)


Pretty lovely with Earnest Fellowship. Protection from every colour except blue probably means he'll be unblockable (and how often does blue block, anyway?) letting you pour out the sand tokens again and again. Meanwhile, they are colourless, letting them chump-block anything your opponent tries to counterattack with.
Posted By: Kirbster (1/22/2014 11:21:17 AM)


Hazezon Tamar seems to be referenced by this nephilim, (?) I guess.

Try to generate colorless non-spirit, non-sliver, non-eldrazi tokens that aren't artifacts with another card...go ahead...I am waiting.
Posted By: MattLynn (1/26/2014 1:32:53 PM)


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