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actually they are a little different (well actually it is not little), vampiric is actually an instant, whereas this is a sorcery, which can mean the difference of waiting a turn to draw your chosen card (or have another card to draw it) and hope the opponent does not manipulate your deck, and being able to do it at the end of your opponents turn....

and this is something like $286 more.

Posted By: Mattmedia (11/22/2010 3:03:51 AM)


This card has ONLY been printed in portal three kingdoms.
Portal three kingdoms, from my sources online had an "english print run smaller than beta." Take a moment to let that sink in. Beta had a print run of 7.3 million cards. Lets say, this has a print run of 7.3 million as well, though according to all sources it has "less" (though I have been unable to find one that gives an exact number).

This set has 10 cards per pack. So 730,000 packs were sold. Each one had 1 rare. So 730,000 total portal three kingdoms rares. There were 55 rares in the set. A total of 13.3k english legal copies of this card ever existed. Except less. Because the print run was less than that of beta. Keep in mind, that means there are more than 66% more black lotuses printed than this card. About three times more Libraries of Alexandria. This card and other non-reprinted portal rares are the rarest vintage-legal cards in the world.

All together now: 0_o!!!

(Also the... (see all)
Posted By: TheKazu (1/11/2013 8:09:26 PM)


I find it kind of weird that the Chinese language version isn't available on gatherer, seeing as how the entire set was an attempt to break into the Chinese market.
Posted By: longwinded (5/30/2011 8:30:50 AM)


that means i can play 8 cheaply amazing tutors in a single deck :D
laugh as you opponent mills your deck right after, throwing your chimney imp into the graveyard.
Posted By: BastianQoU (5/30/2011 9:28:41 PM)


Very good. Obviously not as good as Vampric, but in Type 1, combo decks will play Tutors that are even reasonably playable.
Posted By: UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD (8/22/2009 12:11:36 AM)


Bad card. Gets countered by mental mistep and if it doesnt, you take 2!
Posted By: Sk8er_Boi_1999 (9/9/2011 7:17:10 PM)


"Obviously not as good as Vampric"

You do realize that they are, word for word, exactly the same thing... right?
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (11/12/2010 3:02:40 PM)


Wait wait wait...a card from Portal Three Kingdoms that's actually GOOD? I never thought I'd see THAT happen.
Posted By: Saxophonist (5/18/2011 12:09:15 PM)


The only reason this isn't an instant is because portal didn't have instants...
Posted By: pedrodyl (10/23/2011 10:41:01 PM)


This card makes me angry. Thanks for a worse version of Vampiric Tutor that costs hundreds of dollars more.
Posted By: --Nate-- (1/2/2012 6:00:12 PM)


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