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If only they replaced the words "its controller" with "a player" this card would be so much better. Combining this card with Wall of Shards would have been pretty devastating.
Posted By: SanctusFumus (9/1/2009 11:09:47 AM)


God of War? Wad of Gore!
*Ba dum, tish!*
Nothing quite like a complete hose to any lifegain deck in any capacity. You wanna Exsanguinate all of us? Do it! I dare you!
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (3/27/2012 7:37:06 AM)


Hallelujah it's raining men! Or parts of them anyway...

Definitely prefer False Cure. Enchantments can be removed, but barring a few exceptions) the only thing you can really do about False Cure is counter it. That, and the player/ controller thing is huge.
Posted By: Ideatog (10/27/2010 12:56:53 AM)


@ninjaman98: No, your Healing Salve does not function as a Lightning Bolt. Read the wording on this card carefully. It says, "If a spell or ability would cause its controller to gain life, that player loses that much life instead." If you are targeting another player with your Healing Salve, the spell is not causing its controller to gain life. It is causing another player to gain life. Therefore the life gain would work, and Rain of Gore would not do any damage. If you were to use your Healing Salve on yourself, however, it would be just like hitting yourself with a Bolt. Same problem as the Beacon of Immortality.
Posted By: TheMurderousKitten (8/8/2011 1:55:58 PM)


That's not true. Beacon of Immortality is a spell that causes you to gain life, Rain of Gore thus would still work as normal. You are correct about the cumulative upkeep as that's a cost and not part of the ability, but beacon of immortality should work as normal.

EDIT: (seconds later) you meant if YOU used it and were using Rain of Gore. Whoopsie Daisy.
And.. lulz, it censored c u m. I thought they got rid of that censor...
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/13/2011 10:41:22 PM)


Alms Beast. There, broke it.
Posted By: toXicus (4/11/2013 6:08:03 PM)


It would have been nice if they had tacked another ability to it and upped the mana cost a bit. As it stands.... well, it's kind of sideboard fodder.
Posted By: Ritius (11/17/2009 5:05:24 PM)


counters Reverse Polarity, doubly so with the Oracle wording
Posted By: AzureLazuline (5/3/2014 10:31:27 PM)


Lich's Mirror + Rain of Gore combo works like this:

You Donate or Puca's Mischief the Mirror. They have the Mirror. You play Rain of Gore. Don't use Illusions of Grandeur, because it will cause you to draw.(You gain 20 life, but instead lose it because of the Rain of Gore) Use any of a number of combos that result in killing them- like Deciever Exarch/Splinter Twin, or Dark Depths/Vampire Hexmage, and then you will kill them without killing yourself. The Mirror will NOT shuffle itself back into their library!

When they die, they gain 20 life...but lose 20 life instead.
When they die, they gain 20 life...but lose 20 life instead.
When they die, they gain 20 life...

repeat ad infinitum. It works because 'control' is different from 'ownership'. Donate cards are wierd.
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/11/2012 9:54:01 PM)


This turns Alms Beast in BWR into a monstrosity that gives players' creatures the OPPOSITE of lifelink. How wonderful. xD
Posted By: Duskmantle (9/24/2013 8:49:56 PM)


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