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No one mentions Dryad Arbor?
Posted By: EternalLurker (1/20/2010 3:29:24 PM)


Actually Arachibutyrophobia, the turn 0 combo ONLY works with Gemstone Cavern.

Scenario: You, Arachibutyrophobia, are on the play. So I get to put my Cavern into play immediately before your upkeep. Then, during your upkeep, perform the combo.

Scenario with Gemstone Mine: You, Arachibutyrophobia, are on the play. You play your turn (turn 1). Then I play my Mine, and then perform the combo. On turn 1. Because Gemstone Mine can't be in play until my first main phase.
Posted By: Arglypuff (10/27/2010 5:51:27 PM)


@VoidedNote, and Borborygmos: And this is why......

I do not like green eggs and ham,
I do not like them Sam I Am
Not on a boat, Not like a boss,
Not in a Flash, Not with a pass,
Not Charlie Sheen, Not with the Queen,
I do not like green eggs and ham
In fact I hate them Sam I Am
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/24/2011 12:50:30 AM)


Its like that really large amazing christmas present, except its in the form of giant strange beast creature.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/3/2009 4:45:58 PM)


In the right deck, when this dies, you win.
In the wrong deck, when this dies, you still have a good shot at winning.

This is the perfect Charlie Sheen fatty.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/21/2011 5:36:06 PM)


Opponent: Doomblade. Die.
Me: *calmly sifts through deck* 4 Dryad Arbors, 4 Memnites, 4 Ornithopters, 4 Phyrexian Dreadnoughts, and... um... a grizzly bear I guess. I sac two Dreadnoughts to feed the other two. My turn?
Opponent: Fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
Posted By: VoidedNote (2/9/2011 6:08:44 PM)


too bad this came before evoke, course they wouldnt add evoke to this seriously, that wouls destroy, and totally beat out lark
Posted By: hiloster12 (7/7/2009 3:24:18 PM)


Aside from Force of Will, Leyline of the Void or Pact of Negation (which would kill them anyways) it is basically impossible to stop this combo if you have the right opening hand.

If you don't have the money for Force of Will, Foil works just as well against this combo.
Posted By: PhyrexianAdvocate (3/23/2011 5:25:36 PM)


Looks like Borborygmos is about to enjoy some green eggs and WHAM!
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (11/18/2010 10:17:37 AM)


That's it, Hiloster:
If creatures with too powerful triggers get evoke, the card will be broken.
Posted By: Mode (8/6/2009 9:39:55 PM)


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