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They should fire the creator of this card for allowing the text to have 'ANY NUMBER OF CREATURES'.
Posted By: Hoonster (1/9/2011 4:16:33 AM)


Maybe I'm not reading the card right, but...Relentless Rats?
Posted By: Blackfootdog (2/21/2011 5:53:57 PM)


Had what was quite possibly one of the most satisfying starting hands ever involving this:

Swamp -> tap Swamp -> play Gravecrawler
Mox Diamond-> discard Protean Hulk
Tap Mox Diamond -> play Culling the Weak -> sacrifice Gravecrawler
Play Apprentice Necromancer
Play Apprentice Necromancer's ability
Return Protean Hulk to play, then sacrifice at end of turn.

TL;DR: Massive zombie horde in play turn 1, including Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and his minions Death Baron and Lord of the Undead.
Posted By: SubstantiaNigra (2/28/2013 7:01:22 PM)


He's great when your playing two-headed-giant, and are sharing mana. Cause your deck is filled with nothing but elves, and him. You search for him if you don't have him in your opening hand, then kill him the moment he hits the table, then proceed to dump your entire deck on the table, next turn, tap to add 60+ mana to your mana pool... Play, you know, whatever.
He really, really, should cost a lot more, or it should read, "Any number of creature cards, who's combined converted mana cost equals 6 or less..." or something like that.
Also, every Titan drops, and of course Mimic Vat to make everything else that much worse for your opponent.
Posted By: TAGVoar (2/11/2011 11:09:16 AM)


C'mon out, ornithopters!
Posted By: zeyette (3/10/2010 2:16:18 AM)


Flash, Reckless Abandon, Relentless Rats. Good luck with mana production, that's not my problem, but you can figure it out... use Harrow or something... or construct some convoluted grixis deck. *** it, you can even use just black and green and find ways to sacrifice it using the plethora of black spells that do so (e.g. Vampire Aristocrat)... even devour.
Posted By: raptorman333 (12/2/2011 11:25:02 PM)


Flash got restricted in Vintage because the combo with this guy was so damn good decks designed to do that consistantly wone in the first two turns.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/6/2010 6:15:20 AM)


With Flash restricted in Vintage consider using Serum Powder for a better chance to open with it, plus Mystical Tutor to get it on turn 0 and win on turn 1. I don't use Arcbound Ravager, I found Atog much easier to acquire and for the same CMC and effect (except you can't sac the Atog to itself like the Ravager). But these are just some suggestions for Turn 0 kills, although my deck usually takes until turn 2, turn happens occasionally, and very rarely do I get a Turn 0, but man oh man, it is fricking sweeeet!
Posted By: Wyldblayde (3/7/2010 2:33:32 PM)


I thought it was only turn 0 with gemstone caverns, hence you can combo out from your own opening hand when your opponent starts first before you get a turn. You won't be able to get gemstone mine into play until you get a turn.
Posted By: iPotato (5/1/2010 7:18:53 PM)


Born to be banned.
Posted By: themlsna (6/5/2010 5:32:49 PM)


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