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Starting to see play Modern since the advent of the UB turbo mill deck.
Posted By:
(8/8/2013 2:57:03 PM)
If you're running green, a 1-of in this in legacy isn't all that bad. You can shuffle a bunch of stuff from the graveyards into the library to shrink goyfs back to "tiny", you can save Game-1 against painter decks, you can have main-decked gravehate, and worst case scenario? It draws you a card.
It's useful in nearly any matchup you're bound to face and worth a *lot* more in game 1 than in game 2. Funny enough, it also forces a shuffle; which is nice if someone Brainstorm's to hide a card from your discard.) Just shuffle it away and this becomes virtual card advantage (as their combo was lost anyway and you caused discard AND you drew a card!)
Always good as a 1-of IMO.
Posted By:
(10/28/2013 3:34:10 PM)